Podcast Is an Effective Personal Brand Development Tool

How to make money from podcasts and increase personal brand awareness by creating a podcast


What you will get:

Find out how to make a podcast part of your personal brand
Discover how you can make money from a podcast
Analyse various topics for podcasts and choose the right one for you
Explore podcast formats and choose the one that suits you
Learn how to script a podcast

About this course

The podcast is not a new phenomenon, but it is still gaining popularity in many countries. This is a media market that is growing and attracting more and more advertisers. For amateur podcasters, an audio blog gives them the chance to meet interesting people and win over their audience by talking about their favourite pastime. For experts, this is an opportunity to come into the spotlight, raise their personal brand to a new level and increase the customer flow. Companies, in return, can increase their brand awareness and show up big time. The variety of podcast formats makes it easy for anyone to find their place. It can be a personal brand promotion tool and corporate media outlet. Podcast monetisation is a great way to make money doing what you love. You can do it directly through the sale of ads, and indirectly through the promotion of your brand.

The podcast is not a new phenomenon, but it is still gaining popularity in many countries. This is a media market that is growing and attracting more and more advertisers. For amateur podcasters, an audio blog gives them the chance to meet interesting people and win over their audience by talking about their favourite pastime. For experts, this is an opportunity to come into the spotlight, raise their personal brand to a new level and increase the customer flow. Companies, in return, can increase their brand awareness and show up big time. The variety of podcast formats makes it easy for anyone to find their place. It can be a personal brand promotion tool and corporate media outlet. Podcast monetisation is a great way to make money doing what you love. You can do it directly through the sale of ads, and indirectly through the promotion of your brand.

Course structure

Lesson 1. Podcast as part of the brand

17:04 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 2. Format selection and guests

10:50 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 3. Technical stage

7:38 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 4. Editing. Podcast promotion

7:35 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 5. Podcast effectiveness and monetisation

5:59 min
1 quiz
1 case
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