Intercultural communication
How to collaborate effectively with partners from different cultures, to work for foreign companies and to attract customers from across the world
What you will get:
About this course
In the globalization era, companies and projects are becoming increasingly international. Today, we have opportunities to collaborate with partners from different countries, work for foreign companies and attract buyers and customers from across the world. But this requires language skills and an understanding of intercultural communication. After all, cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. How can this be avoided? You’ll learn about it in our new online course!
During the course you’ll understand how to communicate with people from different countries and cultures. You’ll become familiar with the concept of culture and learn what issues can emerge if you don’t take into account the cultural characteristics of customers, buyers, investors and consumers. You’ll develop your cultural awareness. You’ll find out more about your background’s specifics. You’ll learn to separate cultural generalizations from stereotypes and perceive other cultures with an open mind. Verbal and nonverbal behavior can also hinder effective intercultural communication. You’ll master how to use them to enable your interlocutor to understand you. You’ll find out how to properly prepare for communication. You’ll see why it is important to relax and overcome the fear of making a mistake. Most importantly, you’ll realize that culture is something dynamic. The world is changing, generations replace each other, and globalization is on the rise. The skills and knowledge you gain will help you to remain open and adaptable and to achieve your most ambitious goals!
Course structure
Lesson 2. Cultural dimensions: individualism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance
Lesson 3. Cultural dimensions: attitude toward time, masculinity, and indulgence
Lesson 4. Cultural awareness
Lesson 5. Verbal and nonverbal communication
Lesson 6. Tips for effective intercultural communication
Куулар Айлаш Орлановна