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Online courses on money education

We are offering exceptional courses for those who want to earn more or start-up their own business. The renowned entrepreneur and investor, Alex Reinhardt, will conduct the training.
Become more successful, more efficient, and richer
Hone your strengths and gain the qualities that previously held you back from achieving a high income and big wins.

Explore popular courses on money education

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Alex Reinhardt is one of the world’s leading figures in the blockchain industry according to the American Entrepreneur magazine. What’s more, Alex Reinhardt is a successful entrepreneur, investor, business coach, business development specialist, and the founder of many projects in the IT and FinTech fields.

Starting business after business, Alex has identified the best strategy for a successful entrepreneur, and he is ready to share his unique experiences in his signature online courses.

Just take and apply ready-made solutions that Alex has tested on his personal experience.

That will help you develop skills in such areas as leadership thinking, sales, starting a business from scratch, storytelling, public speaking, network marketing, and others.

À qui s'adressent ces formations?

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Future leaders
Make your name a successful international brand.
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Aspiring CEOs
Take your business to the very top.
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Learn personal and career development skills.
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.

Code promo offert pour la formation "Les métiers du futur":

Un cadeau de Lectera - un guide pratique pour développer votre carrière et votre activité professionnelle
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Ce que vous obtenez

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How real business works and how to make it a success.
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How to get a brand new perspective and insights from a millionaire and businessman with many years of experience.
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How to comprehensively develop the key skills required to become a successful entrepreneur.
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