Guardate le recensioni di Lectera e scoprite cosa dicono gli utenti di noi
In questa pagina abbiamo raccolto tutte le recensioni dei corsi online Lectera da diverse piattaforme e aggregatori. Forse questo vi aiuterà a decidere di imparare con noi!
- 4,75valutazione media del corso
- 127.912gli studenti hanno valutato i nostri corsi
- 3 Mln +studenti che hanno raggiunto i loro obiettivi
- 65 +Paesi del mondo studiano con noi
- Ольга ЛогинаNetwork Marketing Neuling. Beginnen, wachsen, verdienenИнтересно, познавательно, информативно
- Dominic OduorPerfect Productivity. How To Achieve Any GoalWell executed👏👏
- Andiswa MeneWhat is the Internet: instructions for beginnersIt is very nice and easy for those who working cs it's unlimited time, it's depends on you. Thank you so much Lectera for giving me an opportunity to grow in my qualifications
- Andiswa MeneWhat is the Internet: instructions for beginnersIt is very easy for everyone cs some of us we working so we don't get time to attend the classes, so here you can learn anyti
- Bauyrzhan SpatayevProfessions of the future: work in today's job marketThanks for Organisators
- Bauyrzhan SpatayevPerfect Productivity. How To Achieve Any GoalExcellent
- ЕвгенийActive Sales. Viable Client Interaction TechniquesОчень хороший курс для новичков в продажах. Уверен те, кто только начинают свой путь в продажах найдут здесь немало полезно информации. Рекомендую!
- ZikaPersonal Bookkeeping. Effective ToolsIt is good for beginners
- Simicom ServFinancial Awareness: Basic Tools of Capital IncreaseThis learning platform is so impactful.Thank you guys and keep up the good work.
- Mekala PremchandFinancial Awareness: Basic Tools of Capital IncreaseGood experience
Siamo i migliori del settore, ecco perché si parla di noi: