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Online courses on business

Opening a business is not so hard as to hold it afloat and carry it to the top positions in the industry. Our business courses will assist you to grasp the market success formula and the rules that every organization lives by. For the good of your company, learn to use both!
Learn to manage a team
Become a leader for your employees

Explore popular business directions

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Business education will allow your company to survive in today's changing world, which puts new demands on products literally every month.

This is why taking courses on business management is an integral stage in creating a new project and developing an existing one. Our business lessons cover all aspects of entrepreneurship to help you stay competitive in the market and become a niche leader.

From a business idea to managing an international corporation, with Lectera you will go through all the stages of creating and running your company, even if you are a beginner in this business. You will prepare to start your own business, learn to apply the Customer Development model during the product development stage to understand your consumers better, and master pricing techniques to increase your company's revenue.

The market today is unstable. Now you are at the top of the demand, and tomorrow you will be somewhere on the bottom. If you don’t want to let that happen, you should take business courses. They will teach you to respond promptly to audience requests, as well as speak the same language with your audience and develop only those products that solve your customers’ problems. You can’t anymore just bring a product with a nice design into the market, you will need a comprehensive analysis of buyers, market, competitors, prices, and promotion strategies. Business education will solve all these problems.

Para quem são esses cursos:

starting a business from scratch
Start a business from scratch
business tools
Implement relevant business tools
business strategies
Top managers
Learn the best strategies for increasing income
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.

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Um presente da Lectera - um guia prático para desenvolver sua carreira e seus negócios
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O que você aprenderá:

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Best practices to develop and motivate a team
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Key rules of management for beginning a project
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Everything about business analytics and effective customer and partner communication
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