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Online courses on sales

Selling is an art. How well you sell affects the profitability of the deal and the business as a whole. Our sales courses are valuable not only for those involved in the sales but for those who just want to win in any negotiations as well.
Master active selling
Close any deals to your advantage

Explore popular courses on sales

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The success of each business is defined by the number of sales.

It depends only on the sales manager whether the client leaves satisfied and with a purchase, as well as the reputation and revenue of the entire company. Additionally, today the sales skill can increase the value of any professional in the job market. A sales manager can also make your daily life much easier. After all, we deal with sales all the time – even a disagreement with your friends is an attempt to sell your ideas and views!

Lectera's online sales courses are an opportunity to become the best of the best in the shortest time possible. The courses include all areas of work of a modern manager – from a personal brand to communication psychology. Sales training will give you a comprehensive understanding of NLP techniques, cold and active selling methods, as well as ways to make money on the largest commercial online platforms – eBay Amazon, Alibaba.

Sales training with Lectera will give you a detailed understanding of sales and make you a guru, even if you are still a beginner and have never sold anything. Nowadays, when the market is oversaturated, to remain in demand as a sales specialist, it is imperative to constantly master new techniques, be flexible and customer-oriented.

Para quem são esses cursos:

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Beginners in sales
Learn to sell from scratch
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Sales managers
Deepen your knowledge of sales techniques
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Enhance your business profitability on your own
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.

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Um presente da Lectera - um guia prático para desenvolver sua carreira e seus negócios
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O que você aprenderá:

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Developing the qualities of a successful sales manager
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Cold calling skills and other techniques to attract customers
Everything about how the automatic sales funnel works and how to create it
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