Online courses on career development

Everyone can find a dream job. New professions emerge every several years, and the old ones become obsolete. We will tell show you what skills you need to work on to stay competitive at all times. And if your current profession does not satisfy you, then this is a good reason to change it and find your dream job.
Make your choice
Explore the job market and professions of the future

Essas habilidades ajudarão você a se tornar um verdadeiro professional

Audience analysis
Dealing with objections
Feedback processing
Market analysis

Explore popular courses on career development

Você pode gostar desses cursos

Estamos trabalhando arduamente para enriquecer o Lectera com novos cursos interessantes

Everything in the world is recurring: some professions lose their relevance and disappear, while others take their place and become in demand.

In our online courses, we will tell you which of the future professions you should pay attention to, how not to make a mistake when selecting a new career and how to find a job if you don't want to stay relevant. It's time to see if you need to change your job and just do it!

Our career development courses will help you realize what you want out of your professional life. You will learn how to efficiently look for a job, go through all the stages of an interview and you will understand the details of new professions that have just emerged. We are ready to provide you with all the skills that will allow you to master a new profession and stay in trend in the job market!


Para quem são esses cursos:

career development for students
Learn to successfully sell your knowledge and skills
career after 50
People over 50
Change your profession to a more relevant one
building a new career
Absolutely everyone
Build a career in a new field or new country
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.
Mila Semeshkina
Founder and CEO of Lectera
Expert in fast and effective learning, author of the Fast Education methodology, and creator of various educational programmes. Official member of the Forbes Business Council. Marketer, entrepreneur, researcher of the modern media market, and international specialist in the creation and promotion of high-tech brands from the ground up to market leadership.

Damos de presente um código promocional no curso "Profissões do Futuro":

Um presente da Lectera - um guia prático para desenvolver sua carreira e seus negócios
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O que você aprenderá:

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Knowledge about the professions of the future and about which professions are already becoming outdated
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Recommendations on how to quickly find a job and not regret your choice
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Skills of new professions and how to change your career without risks
Somos os melhores em o que fazemos, e é por isso que falam sobre nós:
Não sabe por onde começar? Clique aqui e nós ajudaremos você!
Responda a um breve e simples questionário e nós encontraremos os cursos certos para você, gratuitamente.
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