Create yourself anew: how to learn to enjoy life

How to understand yourself, set life priorities, get rid of uncertainty and maintain a resource state

(8 reviews)

What you will get:

You will be able to identify your inner desires and attitudes that do not correspond to them.
You will learn to enjoy life.
You will learn methods for organizing personal time.
You will get recommendations to combat uncertainty.
You will learn how to find time for your favorite activities.

About this course

This online course is for those who are on the lookout for answers and are constantly striving for change. For those who have found themselves in a state of decline and want to climb to the top. And for those who are happy with life, but want to learn how to make it even better.

It will be difficult from the point of view of terminology and is a kind of psychotherapy session. You will turn to your inner world to understand where the inability to enjoy life comes from. You will learn how to prioritize and live by your desires, learn ways to organize personal time. Furthermore, you will master the techniques of reflecting on negative experiences and overcoming stress, learn to perceive problems and failures positively. Not only that, but you will understand that at any age you can discover new things and enjoy the moments. As a result, you will learn to fulfill your desires and enjoy life.

The skills and knowledge gained in this course will help you understand yourself, get rid of fears and uncertainties, and find your forms of realization. You will be able to completely change your thinking and learn to enjoy the moments here and now!
Skills you will get:
  • Self-regulation
  • Awareness
  • Introspection
  • Assertiveness

Course structure

Lesson 1. Fulfillment of desires to maintain the resource

17:06 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 2. Organization of own activity and work with negativity

7:20 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 3. Achieving success through positive attitudes

5:13 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 4. The search for pleasure in adulthood

6:46 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 5. Methods of overcoming self-doubt

6:31 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 6. Mindfulness as a means of combating routine

6:07 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in your email. It will confirm the knowledge and skills you will have acquired.



Sergey Svirida


Ольга Епонешникова


Очень понравился курс-все четко, дополнительные материалы как чек листы, тест проверка себя, домашнее задание



Спасибо за курс, буду использовать советы и некоторые практические упражнения !

