Diversity and Inclusivity: Implementing DEI in the Company

How to implement the top corporate culture development trend in your business

(237 reviews)

What you will get:

Study trends in corporate culture development
Consider the impact of DEI on your business
Learn how to prepare your company for changes in corporate culture
Explore the steps to implement the new DEI strategy
Discover how to measure results and improve further

About this course

More and more successful companies are striving to become an example of diversity and spread a culture of caring for all social groups. So, is it a new trend or working technologies that bring companies to completely new levels? Today, the solution lies in implementing the DEI (diversity, equity, inclusivity) policy. Accenture surveyed 18,000 employees from 27 countries and found that a culture of equality in the workplace increases innovative thinking and leads to economic efficiency in all industries and countries. It boosts these figures by six or more times! Equity is the driver of innovation and profit growth. Yes, this is true.

In such an environment, employees are trusted, they are given the freedom to express themselves, be creative and experiment, and learn and work flexibly. There is no bias towards people's character. Acceptance and recognition are the key conditions for the harmonious development of the individual's personality and the disclosure of all potential. In this course, you will learn how to determine if your company is ready for such changes. Moreover, you will develop a strategy and plan for implementing DEI.

Course structure

Lesson 1. What is DE&I? Trends

11:11 min
1 additional material
1 quiz
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Lesson 2. Preparing corporate culture

13:30 min
1 quiz
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Lesson 3. Diagnostics before the introduction of DE&I culture

9:44 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 4. Actors: top management, DEI department, DEI expert

10:25 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 5. Actors — HR department. How to hire employees within DEI

10:26 min
1 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 6. Implementation and monitoring

10:52 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in your email. It will confirm the knowledge and skills you will have acquired.





Mr.safar behdadkia


بسیار عالی و آموزنده بود

Amit Gupta


