How to build and grow your business online

Start making money doing something you love!

(138 reviews)

What you will get:

Learn ways of finding a business idea
Create a business plan
Develop an Elevator Pitch
Design and optimize a website for your business on Jimdo platform
Figure out your business identity

About this course

A digestible learning journey from A to Z on how to start your own business. There are lots of ways of getting extra income, but starting your own business is probably the best option there is. If you’ve always dreamt of creating your own business but didn’t know where to start, you’re in the right place. This course will walk you through the process of starting a business from searching for an idea to marketing your own online shop.

Jimdo and Lectera have teamed up so you could get the best of 2 worlds: online business and education. You will learn how to design and optimize your website and how to boost online sales. Moreover, you’ll even study some analytics that will help your shop grow and improve with time!

Jimdo is the number 1 website provider in DACH. Since 2007, Jimdo has been helping the self-employed and small businesses successfully digitize their businesses, offering websites perfectly tailored to their needs. With Jimdo you have the power to design a beautiful, individual website that is easy to set up and adjust — from any device anytime to sell to customers from everywhere.

Course structure

Lesson 1. How to find a business idea

11:46 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Just like any business your business should start with an idea. If you already have one, that’s great, this lesson may help you validate it! If you’re struggling coming up with something you’d like to turn into business, in this lesson you’ll find several options to choose from.

Lesson 2. First steps with your new business

14:57 min
4 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
The first steps are always the most challenging ones. However, if you have a step-by-step plan, it gets easier.  That’s exactly what this lesson is offering: first, you’ll come up with a name for your business, then you’ll choose a legal form, create a business plan and finally come up with an elevator pitch. What a great start!

Lesson 3. Your online entrance

16:20 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Online sales are on the rise and this trend is only evolving. So even if you don’t think of yourself as an “ecommerce” business, you can still use an online store to benefit your offline business. This lesson will walk you through the process of creating your website from choosing a domain name to optimizing it for search engines. And checklists in additional materials will simplify the task for you!

Lesson 4. Your business identity

11:54 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Business is not only products and services that you provide, customers need to feel connected to your brand. What can help with that? Developing your business identity: tone of voice, brand promise, mission statement and values and, of course, your story. As a bonus you’ll learn some tips on creating a slogan for your business!

Lesson 5. Creating a logo

12:43 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
When you hear Coca-Cola, you picture a red and white sign, when you hear Starbucks, a green mermaid comes to mind. This is the sort of connection that you’re looking for and the right logo will get you there. In this lesson you’ll find out what can be a logo, what makes a good and bad logo design, and how to make yours perfect.

Lesson 6. Website design features

13:42 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Designing a website is a difficult task, many people hire designers for it. However, with Jimdo’s built-in services and Lectera’s advices you can easily manage this task one your own. In this lesson you’ll learn how to build a website plan, the basic principles of website design, customization ideas and mobile website tips. In additional materials you’ll find even more tips on website design!

Lesson 7. Creating images and videos

12:53 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Imagine a website that’s 100% words. No photos, videos, or other visual elements. It doesn’t sound too exciting. Even if your texts are brilliant and convey everything your visitors really need to know — pictures explain things in a way that words can’t keep up with. Photos, graphics, and videos catch the eye, create atmosphere, and fill your content with emotion. After this lesson you’ll be able to create visuals so good that your visitors won’t be able to take their eyes of your website!

Lesson 8. Creating content for your website

13:52 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Your website has the potential to be seen, not just by people in your area, but by millions of visitors from all over the world! Customers who already know your brand don’t need much introduction. New visitors do. To make a good impression you’ll have to write a compelling About page, make sure there’s a FAQ page and lots of Calls to action. You’ll learn how to create all of that after watching this lesson.

Lesson 9. Building an online store

13:40 min
4 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Let us walk you through the process of building your online store. You’ll start by choosing your products, then you’ll fill out the product page, make sure you name, describe and show off your products the right way, categorize them and set the suitable price. Additional materials will provide even more help with pricing and product description.

Lesson 10. Grow online. SEO guid

10:32 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
We all use search engines to find products and services online. Your customers included. Wouldn’t it be great if your website came up when people searched for a product or service like yours? That’s the basic goal of SEO: to make your website more visible in online search engines (like Google) so you get more visitors. And you’ll find out how to do that in this lesson.

Lesson 11. Grow online. E-mail marketing guide

10:02 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
There are many ways you can grow your online business, but e-mail marketing never goes out of style. Regular emails will keep you in your customers’ minds and remind them to revisit your website and shop. In this lesson you’ll learn to create newsletter campaigns, structure and write content for them. Moreover, you’ll find plenty of ideas for your newsletters, learn how to test them and choose an e-mail marketing tool that’s right for you.

Lesson 12. Grow online. SMM guide

10:54 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Social media is the key to growing your business online. With the right tools and content plan in place, social media marketing can be a fun and rewarding part of running your business that doesn’t have to take up too much time. This lesson will walk you through choosing the right social media platform and creating content for it. Additional materials will help you set marketing goals and measure your SMM success.

Lesson 13. Grow online. Google Analytics guide

10:50 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
You think analytics is hard? Well, Google Analytics makes it a lot easier, but you still need to know how to use it correctly. In this lesson you’ll find out about metrics you need to track and where to find them. Additional materials will help you drive more traffic to your website.

Lesson 14. Boosting sales

12:46 min
4 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
This final lesson is all about ways to make new visitors buy and existing customers order again. Discounts, promo campaigns, shipping rate and customer reviews and a nice bonus for you at the end of the lesson. Enjoy!


Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in your email. It will confirm the knowledge and skills you will have acquired.



Mukhtar Ahmad


Caster Hlongwani


Suman Mondal


Great 👏

