What you will get:
Introduction to various pricing strategies
Profitability: main components and laws
Selecting your pricing strategy
Managing profitability with revenue management
Criteria for price discrimination
About this course
The right price can radically transform the way customers see your products and turn a failing company into a successful one. It’s no wonder that revenue management is becoming increasingly popular.
Revenue management is an area of expertise that is geared towards increasing profitability. By gaining experience in this area, you can achieve incredible results for your business. In this course, we will teach you about this complex field of economics using simple language, and you will learn to accurately predict future customer behavior on the microeconomic level.
We will use real-life examples to explain how prices are created and what you should do to reach a compromise between the customer’s interests and your own. You will master effective pricing strategies and learn to achieve success even when demand is not clearly defined.
Skills you will get:
- Collection of information
- Financial planning
- Risk management
Course structure
16:49 min
3 additional material
2 quizzes
1 case
Lesson 2. Which factors affect the pricing process?
4:40 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Lesson 3. Price discrimination
5:27 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
Lesson 4. How do companies set their prices?
3:27 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
2 cases
Lesson 5. The magician’s case study. The two-door strategy
4:18 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Lesson 6. How to set the right prices on products and services when demand is not defined?
3:47 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Lesson 7. Overbooking
8:19 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Lesson 8. Practical examples of Revenue Management. History and prospects for future development of technology
4:53 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in your email. It will confirm the knowledge and skills you will have acquired.

I like it thank you
anyuta arakelyan