NLP in Sales. Powerful Psychological Techniques

Mastering quick and easy sales via learning customer psychology and building trust relationships with them

(9 reviews)

What you will get:

The most effective neuro linguistic programming techniques
How to convince any customer that they need to purchase your product
Using NLP to grow your client base and reach new heights in developing your business
Secret communication methods used by leading business experts
Using body language to control your customers

About this course

Techniques for manipulating people are extensive, but neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is the most effective of all of them. NLP includes both verbal and non-verbal methods of influencing a person. Using the basics of NLP in sales, you can maximise your customer base and hit your career high.

To be successful in your career, and particularly in sales, it’s imperative that you hone your communication skills. Our training has been prepared by outstanding interpersonal communication specialists, and once you completed our training you’ll be able to reach your full potential.

The material is presented in simple words and covers both basic NLP and more advanced NLP techniques. In our lessons, you’ll discover how consumer psychology works and learn how to direct your conversation partner’s thoughts in the direction you need. Additionally, you’ll master lots of verbal and non-verbal techniques to manipulate people into doing what you want, and NLP technology will definitely help you to successfully close the deal and make the client want to return to do business with you again and again.
Skills you will get:
  • Verbal communication
  • Active listening
  • Dealing with objections
  • Motivation management
  • Persuasion
  • Non-verbal communication

Course structure

Lesson 1. Introducing NLP: Structure, Steps, and Communications

26:01 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
2 cases

We find out how ‘neurolinguistic programming’ works. In our first lesson, we’ll consider the main principles, structure and stages of NLP in sales. We’ll also provide you with an informative diagram about the impact of NLP on people. Then, once you begin to implement the ideas described in this lesson, you’ll embark on a sustained development path of developing yourself as a salesperson. This lesson will be the main stay of your training, because the stability of the entire structure depends on a correctly laid foundation.

Lesson 2. Enhancing your skills as a seller and decision making techniques

16:33 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case

Let's talk paint a picture of the archetypally good salesperson should be, and then outline an action plan to get as close to this image as possible. A significant part of the lesson is devoted to goal setting, because setting the right goals means you are developing your skills in the correct way. Furthermore, the self-motivation and conflict resolution techniques presented in this lesson will help you prepare you for your future successful communication with clients. In the final part of this lesson, you’ll receive a memo elucidating the qualities of the ideal sales manager.

Lesson 3. Verbal tuning techniques: representation, keys, and metaprograms

15:51 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case

In Lesson 3, we learn about the direct application of neurolinguistic programming on your clients. Establishing a trusting relationship with them will help the technique of ‘adjustment,’ which is to imitate the behaviour of the interlocutor. This lesson gives you detailed instructions on how to use this technique throughout an entire conversation. You’ll learn how to identify the leader of the representative system of the interlocutor and learn the technique of motivation ‘aspiration-avoidance.’’

Lesson 4. Non-verbal adjustment and interpretation: gestures, posture, breathing and distance

19:05 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case

A person receives most of their information through non-verbal signals - gestures, poses, facial expressions and so on... This lesson is entirely devoted to the non-verbal ‘tuning,’ ‘adjustment’ with potential customers, and then copying their ‘body language.’ Therefore, in order to get the most out of the situation, it’s necessary to influence the client using this technique. By starting to apply verbal and non-verbal techniques together, you can literally manage your clients, and manipulate them to your whims. Additionally, in the lesson you’ll find a table of gestures where we decipher their meaning.

Lesson 5. Identifying Customer Needs: the NLP SCORE model, Milton Model and marker words

15:40 min
4 additional material
1 quiz
2 cases

By this point, you’re already become an NLP practitioner. Let's talk about who you’ll be using your new found skills on. Each client has its own personality type, needs and interests that need to be guided. So how do you determine what drives another person? Well, with the aid of the techniques we learnt from the lesson, you’ll know what motivates others, and even have a window into their minds and what they are thinking. Thanks to the NLP S.C.O.R.E. model, you’ll learn how to translate your product’s description into a language that the customer understands. Additionally, Milton’s model will allow you to influence the subconscious of the interlocutor.

Lesson 6. Quick sale techniques and anchoring

18:08 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case

Sometimes, there’s no time for a thorough ‘adjustment’ (‘tuning’) and ‘elaboration’ of a potential customer. In such situations you’ll be helped by the quick sales techniques we’ll teach you in this lesson. You’ll also learn about the ‘anchor’ technique which is used immediately before the sale, and how to successfully apply it your life. We’ll supplement this with our useful visual aid.

The NLP S.C.O.R.E model is an easy-to-use coaching and problem-solving model that anyone can use to solve problems more effectively and with regular use, the NLP practitioner will develop a powerfu, appreciative and solution-focused frame of mind.

Lesson 7. How to neutralise customer’s objections prepare for a sale

19:51 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
2 cases

Even if you’ve done everything perfectly, some customers will still find arguments against the deal. Don’t be afraid of this because the expression of doubt indicates a potential buyer's interest: all that remains is to persuade them to buy. Working with objections is the subject of this lesson. Having studied it, you’ll learn the most frequent reasons for customers' refusal to buy, and some effective methods to correct the situation. The best technique to solve this problem in NLP is called ‘reframing.’ We’ll teach you about that too. The training is accompanied by a visual scheme for your use.

Lesson 8. Closing the sale and working with NLP

17:42 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case

Completing the sale in the right way means that you maximise the chances of repeat custom. Consequently, our NLP training would be incomplete without telling you exactly how to ‘close’ the sale and seal the deal, so we’ll look at the and most effective methods for doing it. Business isn’t a place for negative emotions. Therefore, we’ll give you a few top tips on how to keep as cool as a cucumber and maintain your self-control even in very stressful situations. We’ll also talk about the more common mistakes made by NLP practitioners, teach you how to use presuppositions correctly, and give you guidance on congruency.


Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in your email. It will confirm the knowledge and skills you will have acquired.



Василий Яриков


Благодаря курсу я научился работать с любыми (я не преувеличиваю - с любыми!) возражениями клиентов. Раньше было сложно продавать, сейчас будто появилась четкая и понятная система. Это невероятно мотивирует на дальнейшую работу. Однозначно рекомендую.



Совсем недавно прошел курс «НЛП в продажах», и остался более чем доволен. Редко так бывает, что приходишь за чем-то одним, а получаешь намного больше. Тут не только приемы продаж но и техники убеждения, которые работают в любой ситуации и в любых отношениях с людьми. Этот курс открытие для меня. Программа подобрана таким образом, что информация подается легко и быстро запоминается. Многочисленные примеры закрепляют усвоенное. Более чем уверен в том, что это не последний курс, который буду проходить у Лектеры, спасибо большое!



