Remote Work: How to Avoid Burnout

and find motivation if you work remotely

(2 reviews)

What you will get:

You will study the stages of burnout and determine which one you are in
You will get rid of negative internal attitudes that lead to professional burnout
You will understand how to increase your productivity
You will find motivation and maintain it
You will learn to plan your time

About this course

Do you devote most of your time to work and forget about rest and personal plans? "I don't work from home, and I live at work" – these words can be heard from every second remote employee. Such a schedule can quickly lead to burnout. It manifests in apathy towards others and work, constant fatigue, irritability, and pessimism. A "burned-out" person ignores his needs and ceases to experience pleasure in life. This online course will help you determine what stage of professional burnout you are in.

You will learn to eliminate negative internal attitudes that interfere with your productivity, develop internal motivation, and search for external sources. You will understand how to allocate your time so as not to burn out properly. Planning your day's regime will largely depend on your physical and mental health. During the training, you will gain knowledge and skills that will help you understand that it is possible to avoid professional burnout. You will learn to take care of yourself to become happier in the future!

Course structure

Lesson 1. Burnout is a problem that many people face. Signs and stages of burnout

22:43 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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As a result of constant emotional stress, the body experiences emotional burnout. The symptoms include apathy towards others and work, fatigue, irritability, and pessimism. This course aims to explore the leading causes and signs of professional burnout remotely.

In the additional materials, you will receive a list of signs for self-diagnosis to determine how close you are to burnout. Also, you will be able to study the stages of emotional burnout.

Lesson 2. Setting internal parameters. Work motivation

10:44 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Positive attitudes and motivation are necessary to prevent professional burnout at a distance. By doing this, you will be able to find the right mood for the day and complete tasks efficiently. In this lesson, learn how to eliminate negative thoughts that interfere with your productivity, develop internal motivation, and find external motivation.

In the supplementary materials, you will discover which attitudes lead to emotional burnout and which help prevent it. You will also receive a template for keeping a gratitude diary.

Lesson 3. The regime of the day and rest. Planning

11:48 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Planning your day's schedule will be heavily influenced by your physical and mental health. When you have a schedule at your fingertips, you'll know when to work and when to take a break. This course will help you allocate your time correctly, so you don't burn out.

Additionally, you will learn how to plan your time. There will also be a checklist with examples of brain breaks and a table that shows the "Plan-facts of the day."

Lesson 4. Prioritize tasks. Secrets of productive work

6:21 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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There is a possibility that a remote worker will have overtime daily. As a consequence, they feel tired, procrastinate for a long time, and then again works hard to meet deadlines.
Most people experience professional burnout during such moments. By taking this course, you will learn how to organize the process of performing tasks remotely so that work does not become your whole life.

Additionally, you can learn how to distribute cases based on importance. In addition, you will learn how to reach a state of flow.

Lesson 5. 11 Ways to maintain work-life balance

7:51 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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In this lesson, you will consolidate the main theses of the entire course, which will help you prevent emotional burnout and learn how to maintain a work-life balance.

From the supplementary materials, you will learn how to help others who have professional burnout. Furthermore, you will discover 8 steps you must go through to recover from burnout.


Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in your email. It will confirm the knowledge and skills you will have acquired.



Mikhail Antonov


milina 4375


Курс замечательный. Давно подозревала у себя выгорание, но были сомнения. После курса сомнения развеялись. Составила расписание и буду все рекомендации которые были на курсе. Огромное спасибо за курс!
