If you want to build a career in direct sales or network marketing - this course is an absolute must for you! Thanks to this course, you can not only learn sales techniques and find out more about different types of customers, you will also create your own image. After completing the course, you will have a work plan to develop your unique image. You will learn how to use social networks so that people want to buy your products and follow you.
In the course we will talk about the ways a successful seller differs from a mediocre one, and how to become number one in sales. We will tell you what internal and external qualities you need to develop in yourself and how to do it as efficiently as possible. Detailed checklists and instructions created by specialists with many years of experience in sales will be at your disposal.
A separate unit of the course is devoted to dealing with objections and negative. We have prepared many methods to neutralise objections and have detailed the mechanics of action just for you. After examining them, you will see that an objection is not an obstacle, but an opportunity for the seller! After the course, you will approach sales scientifically - you will recognise the types of customers and, depending on this, you will be able to build competent communication with your client. At the end of the course, we will give you the most effective NLP techniques that can become your magic wand in sales!