What Is Strategic Thinking?

How to properly allocate resources to achieve a goal, prevent risks and foresee the final result

(4 reviews)

What you will get:

Develop a skill necessary for career and personal growth
Learn to make strategic decisions in your everyday work
Analyse your company's strategy and be able to combine your work strategy with it
Be able to demonstrate your brainpower in such a way that your superiors will notice you
Make faster and better decisions

About this course

Thinking strategically means knowing what you want and what you are striving for. It is about being aware of how to use resources, and what it will take to get there. This skill helps you predict the end result. The world is changing rapidly, so the ability to think strategically is becoming more important in your everyday life. Companies employ very different people who need to be brought together and given a vector of movement from point A to point B. However, if the leader doesn't see the end point, the team can go in different directions and waste resources. This can lead to conflicts and missed opportunities. The leader can set a specific goal for the team, and leave the choice of how to achieve it to the members. It is much easier to think of a shorter and less resource-consuming path when you understand where you are going and why. Also, in times when the situation changes unpredictably, and managers’ forecasts fall through, junior and mid-level employees need to quickly adapt to the new circumstances — so they need strategic thinking.

Demonstrating strategic thinking skills indicates that the employee is not making decisions in isolation; they are considering how it might affect other departments, the entire company, or the masses.

Coming up with a strategy that won't do a 180-degree turn in a year or less isn't easy. But you can make a relatively stable global goal, for example, to live a good life in a certain place or work somethere with career prospects. In fact, this is strategy in its purest form: we do not know exactly what will happen tomorrow, but we can learn to understand where to invest time and other resources to achieve what we want.

In this course, you will find practical tips and approaches to help you incorporate strategic thinking into your daily work, balance short-term and long-term goals, and achieve your career goals.

Course structure

Lesson 1. Strategic thinking

17:07 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 2. The skills needed to apply strategic thinking

7:03 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 3. Trends and company strategy

7:29 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 4. Strategic planning

7:48 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
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Lesson 5. Strategic decision making

4:32 min
3 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 6. Career strategy

5:28 min
1 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 7. Difficult situations at work

7:04 min
2 additional material
1 quiz
1 case
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Татьяна Дюбург


Evgeny Yurievich Sidorenko



