Are you inspired by the idea of creating passive income and scared to imagine that you will have to spend all your life in the office? Then the You are your own boss – how to reach top positions in network marketing course is for you! You will look at network marketing from two sides. In the beginning, you will learn how MLM companies are structured from the inside, how they are monetised, what they go by when drawing up a marketing plan, and in the second part of the course we will move on to building a career in a network company.
As a result, you will be able to approach the choice of network-companies consciously – you will understand what indicators need to be analysed and what does not matter much. In this course, you will also find the top books on network marketing, which all successful managers learn from.
In this course, you will receive tools for developing both online and offline sales – from distributing ads on boards to creating your own blog. In additional materials for the course, you will find many checklists that will teach you how to build a conversation with a potential client, answer the most popular questions about the network business, explain how to choose the right distribution channels for goods, explain the features of various companies’ marketing plans, and give a lot of other useful information.
We wish you success in learning and development in the network marketing!