Young Financier. How To Treat Your Money Wisely

How money emerged, advice on earning and running a budget, ways of saving

(4 reviews)

What you will get:

Get tips for handling money safely
You will learn to save the accumulated money
You will learn what money is, and how it appeared
You will understand what financial literacy is
You will find out what currency is used in other countries

About this course

Where do you think the money comes from? What are they?

In our course, you will learn what role money plays in the modern world, and what financial literacy is. You will be told the story of their occurrence, why you need a bank, and why now everyone is actively using electronic money. You will also learn what a budget is, how to manage it, and where you can earn money if you are not 18. Furthermore, you will be told how to learn how to save money and earn with the help of bank deposits, as well as how not to lose the accumulated money. Our course will teach you to be reasonable about money, plan a budget and earn a lot.

This fundamental knowledge will help you succeed in the future!
Skills you will get:
  • Financial security
  • Financial literacy
  • Financial planning

Course structure

Lesson 1. Money. What are they?

20:04 min
1 quiz
1 case
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In this lesson, you will learn how the history of money began, and what it is. You will be told what a bank is for, and why everyone now uses electronic money.

In the supplementary materials you will find a glider with which you can create a list of your desires.

Lesson 2. Currencies of different countries and budget management

9:27 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 3. How to make money

9:33 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 4. How to get rich, and what is the exchange

6:13 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Lesson 5. How not to be left without money

10:41 min
1 quiz
1 case
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Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in your email. It will confirm the knowledge and skills you will have acquired.







воу! никогда бы не подумала, что узнаю столько нового и интересного за такой короткий срок. пусть и знаю общую информацию, но благодаря курсу, я узнала много деталей, о которых раньше и не задумывалась. спасибо!

