Soft Skills for a Top Manager

Key skills for long-term success in any endeavor.


What you will get:

Legendary Speaker. The Art of Public Speaking
Stress Management. 40 Techniques: Improving Your Life
Remote Work: How to Avoid Burnout
Read People's Emotions. Psychophysiology and Nonverbal Methods
Conflict management: how to create a positive atmosphere in the team

About this Program

Labor market trends show that soft skills have become crucial in today's world. Everyone who wants to reach the pinnacle of success should master them. Additionally, our online courses will help you with this. You will learn leadership skills that will help you pull a group of people together and turn it into a successful team. You will master the skill of conflict management to maintain balance in the established team. You will also study how to organize teleworking in a company and save money without affecting performance. The acquired knowledge and skills will help you painlessly switch to a distance working and stay efficient. You will be able to assemble a productive team with which you will achieve the most ambitious goals!

During the training, you will understand how to adjust work processes to the new reality and make your company well-balanced. The course experts will tell you how to manage risks at different stages of a crisis situation in business, including HR management in a crisis. During the program, you will change your attitude to the crisis and learn to see the positive aspects and opportunities for development in it. In addition, you will find out more about the HEART concept to help you strengthen customer relationships. You will explore innovative business models and new approaches to HR that will enable you to gain a competitive advantage and keep the best experts. The knowledge gained will help you not only keep the business, but also discover new opportunities for its growth. New competencies will allow you to strengthen the team spirit and make each employee involved in a common cause.

During the training, you will learn to analyze information, identify the essentials, and make the right decisions. In addition, you will master various methods of working with information. You will learn to win others over at first sight, control the course of negotiations and achieve your goals. You will delve deeper into the principles of memory, learn about memorization techniques and receive recommendations for improving cognitive processes. Moreover, you will study planning secrets to help you increase productivity without much effort and successfully complete all the necessary tasks. You will receive tips for developing creativity and coming up with new ideas with ease.

You will be able to develop emotional intelligence with Lectera. After all, it is an essential skill that international development experts are increasingly talking about. During the training, you will learn how to get rid of anxiety if it noticeably worsens the quality of your life and how to cope with stress before the situation gets out of control and forces you to seek professional help. Furthermore, you will discover how to avoid burnout at work. This set of skills will dramatically improve your quality of life and give you the confidence to tackle any problem.

All Lectera courses contain practical exercises, life hacks, and supplemental materials. Be sure to use them as they will help you to quickly introduce new knowledge into your life!

Program includes
