The founders and leaders of business projects are powerful and strong-willed people who help our world grow and prosper.
To showcase and highlight their services to the Middle East, Arabian Business compiled the top leaders for 2024, including Mila Semeshkina, CEO of the educational platform Lectera and founder of the international organisation Women's Empowerment Council.
CEOs from sectors like aviation, innovation, finance, real estate, communications, and social responsibility were also included in the ranking. Women leaders who have a specific impact on the advancement of women's leadership in the Middle East and who help elevate women's status internationally were also taken into account.
Arabian Business honoured Mila in two capacities: as an EdTech leader whose Lectera platform stimulates well-being and helps millions of people in the Arab world improve their quality of life, and as a woman entrepreneur who serves as an inspiration to other women at WEC conferences and events. Thus, Lectera alone currently serves to connect 4.5 million students from 70 countries and translates courses into 15 languages. Here's what Arabian Business says about Mila Semeshkina: "Semeshkina represents a new generation of entrepreneurs who combine business acumen with social responsibility."
Read the full article on the official Arabian Business website: