

In the “Career” section, we will share the key career trends of recent years and discuss the job market today. You will learn all about how to become the best player in your industry, quickly climb the career ladder and avoid such work-related diseases as impostor syndrome, burnout, and slump. Our team will guide you towards your dream career and help you discover new opportunities!

Google, Apple, iHerb, or Netflix. Which global company will hire you?
Google, Apple, iHerb, or Netflix. Which global company will hire you?

If you're looking for your dream job but need help figuring out where to start, take this simple quiz to find out where your heart lies.

| Career

How to ask your boss for a promotion
How to ask your boss for a promotion

Many people are afraid or embarrassed to ask their management for a promotion or a salary increase, preferring to wait for it to happen on its own.

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How to quit your job in a “positive way”
How to quit your job in a “positive way”

You've realised that a career change is in order, but you're unsure of where to start.

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How to: how to conduct a job interview if you have never done one before
How to: how to conduct a job interview if you have never done one before

Life is full of surprises, and sometimes unexpected situations happen, such as stepping in for the HR manager and conducting a job interview.

| Career

Specialists and other Professions that AI (Artificial Intelligence) has Spawned
Specialists and other Professions that AI (Artificial Intelligence) has Spawned

With the emergence and development of Artificial Intelligence, world experts prophesy that most professions will soon disappear due to elementary uselessness.

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How to feel confident in a new workplace

Have you ever noticed that confident people are the best at handling anything?

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The Dangers of Google's Corporate Culture: How the Company Forces Its Employees To Work 24/7

You've probably heard about Google's corporate culture, the giant of the digital world, where all the managers and marketers you know would like to work.

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A sabbatical – what it is and why you and businesses need them

We all know there are vacations and dismissals, and there are also maternity leaves, resignations, sick leaves, et cetera.

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How not to pursue a promotion: three examples of when things went wrong

Who among us wouldn't want to get a promotion – to earn more money, take on new responsibilities and simply try out an exciting position without leaving the company we already know? But it's not that simple!

| Career

A Four-Day Work Week: Where Is It Practised, and Do You Need It?

Four working days instead of five – isn't that a fairy tale?

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How to Psychologically Prepare to Change Jobs After the Age of Fifty

The older we get, the more we feel like there's no point in changing anything.

| Career

Remote from Life: What Problems Remote Workers Face and How to Overcome Them.

Many of us only tried remote working for the first time during the pandemic in 2020.

| Career

It Happens: Stories of People Who Returned To Work After Launching a Business, Being Fired or Having a Conflict

How many times have you thought about starting your own business? Two, three, ten, “a hundred times?”

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What Type of Employee Do You Belong To?

The workforce is a community of very different people. We are all ambitious and motivated to varying degrees, differing in character, career aspirations, needs, and social roles.

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What is Onboarding? How Must Companies Use It? Here's How to Create It for Yourself

Generally, starting successfully in a company is almost impossible without adapting to a new team, new requirements, and a new job.

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Career trends: what "Quiet Quitting," "Lazy Girl Job", and other terms mean, and, more importantly, why they can be good

Time passes, and the market changes, but - paradoxically - today's career trends are almost the same as those seen half a century ago.

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What behaviours are unacceptable for a good manager?

Work occupies a significant part of modern people's lives.

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Prediction test: What's in Store for You in the New Year?

There's a fortune biscuit, there's a fortune balloon, and then there's a fortune test!

| Career

Test. Quit or Stay?

The closer we get to the New Year and Christmas, the more we are overcome by the desire to change our lives radically.

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