

Digital Nomad Visa

A digital nomad visa allows you to live and work in another country for longer than a regular tourist visa permit, but not as long as a resident visa. These visas often come with special tax schemes and benefits, and most importantly, they grant permission for long-term residence and renting housing without the need to leave the country until the digital nomad chooses to do so.

How to learn digital marketing

Advertising banners, YouTube inserts, and even blogger reviews of products are all forms of digital marketing and are one of the most in-demand professions in 2022.

How to become an entrepreneur

Why do you want to become an entrepreneur? To become rich very fast? To become the proud owner of a startup? To fulfil a dream and become successful? Whatever reasons you have, read this article — here...

Online courses for women

Long gone are the days when a woman was supposed to stay at home, raise children and do housework. Today, women can be found in almost any profession because they have the same options as men. Therefore, they...

How to become a project manager

What is a project manager, and what does a project manager do? As the very name of the profession probably clarifies, a project manager is an employee who manages and is responsible for completing a project.

Agile project management course

Online course "Agile Methodology. Effective Business Management" by Lectera learning platform.

Top 10 best digital marketing courses in Pune

Digital marketing is the frontrunner in 2022 and will remain relevant for decades to come.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

High-level digital marketers can afford to work from anywhere worldwide and still earn more than their counterparts in the office. Would you like to do the same thing? Then you first have to become a digital...