Difficult Choices: Understanding Slash Career and Whether Combining Two Jobs is Worth It?”
Difficult Choices: Understanding Slash Career and Whether Combining Two Jobs is Worth It?”

Have you ever considered switching careers, or are you still searching for your true calling?

| Career

Chief editor Chief editor
A sabbatical – what it is and why you and businesses need them

We all know there are vacations and dismissals, and there are also maternity leaves, resignations, sick leaves, et cetera.

The ultimate test for real men: discover which superhero you truly are!

As children, we all fantasized about having superpowers—flying, reading minds, turning invisible, controlling the weather, or maybe even all of them at once.

| Leadership

Network marketing
How well do you really understand internet marketing?

Internet marketing combines both the best benefits of traditional marketing with the latest technology. It is incredibly versatile and could create up to 90% of your business profits, even without offline methods.

| Network marketing

Digital marketing
How it was: the evolution of marketing from its origins to the present day

Many perceive the marketing profession as one of the most modern ones. Marketers haven't been around that long, but the roots of this profession are much deeper.

| Digital marketing

Can you tell the difference between a real startup and a joke?

Recently, there have been an increasing number of startups. Certain creators focus on making genuinely useful and intriguing projects, while others aim to earn a modest income.

| Business

The worst mistake you can make is to give up because of a temporary setback. Each and every one of us has made this mistake at some point in our lives.


What's New in AI in Education for 2024

In 2023, artificial intelligence technology experienced a significant surge. This started with introducing groundbreaking language models and culminated in creating entire metaverses built upon them.

| Brave New World

Loneliness vs. Conscious Solitude

At some point, we've all experienced loneliness more than once.

| Self-development

Don't lose heart: how to prepare for autumn mentally and physically

Many people seem to dread autumn, believing that this season brings a decline in immunity, productivity, and mood. You feel like hiding under a duvet and not coming out until next spring. However, autumn is a beautiful time of year! All it takes is the right approach and a bit of preparation.

| Self-development

Which Lectera course do you choose? What do you need right now?

As summer draws to a close, long-awaited vacations and holidays are ending. For some, it's the start of a new school year, while others are resuming or continuing their regular work routines.

| Self-development

FOBO syndrome: How the Fear of Making the Wrong Decision Impacts Your Career

How frequently do you endure the torment of decision-making? Are you afraid of making a suboptimal choice or decision?

| Leadership

How Did You Spend This Summer? A Quiz!

Summer is always a little life of its own.

| Self-development

“We’ll get back to you.” What to do if you hear this in a job interview

If you were to survey the world's population to find out which hiring-related phrase they hate the most, we are sure it would be “We’ll get back to you.”

| Career