Google, Apple, iHerb, or Netflix. Which global company will hire you?
Google, Apple, iHerb, or Netflix. Which global company will hire you?

If you're looking for your dream job but need help figuring out where to start, take this simple quiz to find out where your heart lies.

| Career

Chief editor Chief editor
A sabbatical – what it is and why you and businesses need them

We all know there are vacations and dismissals, and there are also maternity leaves, resignations, sick leaves, et cetera.

Test. Your Role in the Team

As we know, every person in society plays a particular role, and the work team is no exception. Our role depends not only on our professional abilities and functions but also on our character, personal qualities, how we build relationships with others, and the work itself. What role do you think you play in your team?

| Leadership

Network marketing
How well do you really understand internet marketing?

Internet marketing combines both the best benefits of traditional marketing with the latest technology. It is incredibly versatile and could create up to 90% of your business profits, even without offline methods.

| Network marketing

Digital marketing
How it was: the evolution of marketing from its origins to the present day

Many perceive the marketing profession as one of the most modern ones. Marketers haven't been around that long, but the roots of this profession are much deeper.

| Digital marketing

Can you tell the difference between a real startup and a joke?

Recently, there have been an increasing number of startups. Certain creators focus on making genuinely useful and intriguing projects, while others aim to earn a modest income.

| Business

The worst mistake you can make is to give up because of a temporary setback. Each and every one of us has made this mistake at some point in our lives.


Quiz. Which faction from the Fallout series would you belong to?

The outstanding and award winning new TV series Fallout, based on the video game series of the same name, is the breakout show of 2024.

| Self-development

How to spend your vacation: with enjoyment, delight, and lasting impressions

Sometimes, a vacation can be one of the most anticipated events. Sometimes, it's a tough choice.

| Self-development

A quiz to check healthy egoism

We often hear that being selfish is bad. Is that the case? As always, moderation is the key to everything.

| Self-development

What hobby should you try? Fantastic options that you've probably never heard of

Sometimes, choosing a hobby can be incredibly difficult. Maybe you've exhausted all your options and are at a loss for what to do next. Well, we will help you understand the world of hobbies! We have chosen a variety of unusual and exciting hobbies.

| Self-development

Remember Everything, or How to Stop Forgetting

Every student dreams of quickly and painlessly memorizing dates, formulas, theorems, and other information necessary for studying.

| Self-development

What Hyper-Parenting is and How to Deal with It

Total control, apps to spy on children, and stereotyped phrases like "Make sure you wear a hat. Otherwise you'll catch a cold!" or "Call me when you arrive!" are all markers of unhealthy parent-child relationships, particularly overprotective.

| Self-development

Outpacing AI

Recently, headlines about the new capabilities of artificial intelligence have been making headlines online quite often.

| Brave New World