Day 1. A fresh look at career guidance

Day 1. A fresh look at career guidance

| Self-development

Hello! Today is day one of our marathon. We invite you to answer the following test questions in two parts.

You must choose between "yes" and "no" answers in the first part and between professions in the second. We will tell you what type of person you are on the occupational difference scale and advise you on a list of careers that would suit you.

Part 1

career guidance

I find jobs related to either management or accounting to be boring.

  • Yes E

  • No D

I would rather work in finance than in music.

  • Yes D

  • No E

I find taking risks easy, and I often take risks.

  • Yes D

  • No C

Most of the time, clutter annoys me.

  • Yes B

  • No E

If I write something down, my notes are not very structured.

  • Yes E

  • No D

I like to read about scientific achievements.

  • Yes A

  • No B

I do not like to spend all my money at once but prefer to distribute it wisely.

  • Yes C

  • No E

I want to follow instructions accurately

  • Yes C

  • No E

I hate tidying up.

  • Yes E

  • No D

I like working on a computer, entering words, and analysing things.

  • Yes C

  • No B

Before starting any action, I like to think over everything, even the tiniest details.

  • Yes B

  • No E

When I start learning a new foreign language, I study grammar first. I don't seek to strive for a conversational experience instantly.

  • Yes D

  • No A

If I encounter a problem, I examine it from all sides: I look for information, read literature, and consult friends who might know something about it.

  • Yes D

  • No B

I write down vital information and plans for the coming days in a diary or keep notes on my smartphone.

  • Yes B

  • No E

I like to read political and financial news.

  • Yes D

  • No E

I take my health seriously.

  • Yes A

  • No D

I leave my work tasks to the very last minute.

  • Yes E

  • No C

Part 2

career guidance part 2

Which job would you prefer?

1. Repairing machines and appliances (C) or caring for animals (A)

2. Creating tables and charts (D) or helping sick people (B)

3. Overseeing plants and their health (A) or controlling the quality of illustrations, postcards, or posters (E)

4. Advertising and selling products (D) or handling wood, metal, fabric, and plastic (E)

5. Chatting about fiction books (E) or non-fiction books (C)

6. Teaching peers or younger people about something (be it a coach, tutor, or mentor) (B) or raising different breeds of animals (A)

7. Driving a vehicle like a tractor or a crane (C) or copying images and tuning musical instruments (D)

8. Designing exhibitions and showcases, preparing concerts (E) or conducting tours and working at the information desk (D)

9. Correcting mistakes in texts, tables, etc. (D) or repairing products, items, and houses (C)

10. Performing calculations and estimates (C) or treating animals (A)

11. Solving disputes and disagreements, persuading, encouraging, and penalising (B) or understanding diagrams, tables, and drawings (C)

12. Studying the life of microbes (A) or observing the work of amateur art circles (E)

13. Providing medical care to people (B) or repairing medical devices (C)

14. Describing and depicting certain events (E) or reporting events and measured items (D)

15. Receiving and examining patients and prescribing treatment (B) or conducting laboratory tests in the hospital (A)

16. Assembling devices and machines and repairing buildings (C) or painting the walls or surfaces including various products (E)

17. Playing on stage or at concerts (E) or organising trips and excursions to theatres, museums, etc. (B)

18. Copying or creating drawings and maps (D) or developing parts and constructing buildings according to pictures (C)

19. Working on keyboard machines (C) or fighting against plant diseases and insects that harm the forest (A)


More A's. The nature person

The nature person

This kind of person likes working and living in nature. The list of professions is quite wide-ranging: from a researcher developing what is occurring in nature to a physicist, chemist or biologist, a technologist creating new drugs, a genetic engineer, a physician, a geologist, a soil scientist, an ecologist, an agronomist, a dog handler, a zoologist, a biologist, a speech therapist, or a specialist in developing plants. Below, we provide a comprehensive list of careers that would be perfect for your mindset.

  • Botanist

  • Biologist

  • Biochemist

  • Geomorphologist

  • Agrochemist

  • Agronomist

  • Forester

  • Farmer

  • Florist and gardener

  • Landscaper

  • Soil scientist

  • Hydrologist

  • Geo-ecologist

  • Meteorologist

  • Archaeologist

  • Geologist

  • Land surveyor

  • Geographer

  • Climatologist

  • Ichthyologist

  • Livestock Specialist

  • Physiologist

  • Microbiologist

  • Ornithologist

  • Entomologist

  • Veterinarian and livestock breeder

  • Sericulturist

  • Angler

More B's. The people person

The people person

You are suited to working with people. You can work with the human body, with its creation or behaviour. Therefore, professions that involve healing, teaching and evaluating people, management, sales, speaking before an audience, etc., are suitable for you. Consequently, the list of professions includes doctors, nurses, teachers, massage therapists, beauticians, educators, psychologists and sociologists, speech therapists, politicians, salespeople and managers, tour guides, hair and makeup specialists, and journalists. In a word, you should consider the comprehensive list of professions relevant to working with people. All of them are listed below.

  • Seller

  • Hairdresser

  • Seamstress and cutter

  • Waiter and bartender

  • Cook

  • Family tutor

  • Steward

  • Explorer

  • Doctor, paramedic, orderly

  • Nurse

  • Masseur

  • Educator, teacher

  • Psychologist

  • Manager

  • Regional specialist

  • Lawyer

  • Judge

  • Policeman, district investigator

  • Prosecutor

  • Guide-interpreter, tour guide

  • Administrator

  • Journalist, correspondent

  • Literary editor

  • Museum clerk

  • Librarian

  • Help Desk Officer

More C's. The technology person

The technology person

As the name suggests, this type of person is suited to working with technology. They can design, create, maintain, repair and even operate it. The suitable occupations include engineers, engineers for aircraft and trains, technicians, adjusters, etc. However, do not confuse those professions with the ones requiring knowledge and the use of technology! For example, the manager who uses their laptop but has to take it to a service centre to be repaired cannot disassemble it into parts on their own. We have attached a more detailed list of professions below.

  • Installer

  • Builder

  • Collector

  • Carpenter

  • Builder (technician, engineer)

  • Constructor

  • Technologist

  • Driver

  • Pilot

  • Chauffeur

  • Transport Engineer

  • Welder

  • Locksmith

  • Mechanic (technician, engineer)

  • Installation

  • Regulator

  • Operator

  • Pastry chef

  • Metal Melter

  • Optician

  • Steelworker

  • Milling machinist

  • Grinder

  • Machine Operator

More D's. The sign system person

The sign system person

These professionals work well with numbers, tables, graphs and diagrams, and letter combinations that require corrections and analysis. You could become an economist, a broker, a mathematician, a designer of anything, an architect, an accountant, a proofreader or editor, a cartographer, a cadastral engineer, a sound engineer, or a cryptographer. Below you will find a much more complete list of professions suitable for a human-sign system.

  • Speech therapist

  • Philologist

  • Passports Officer

  • Secretary

  • Historian

  • Clerk

  • Stenographer

  • Typesetter

  • Proofreader

  • Technical Editor

  • Bibliographer

  • Archivist

  • Translator

  • Notary

  • Linguist

  • Programmer

  • Economist

  • Accountant

  • Mathematician

  • Physicist

  • Chemist

  • Cashier

  • Merchandiser

  • Communication Specialist

  • Radio operator

  • Musician

  • Musical instrument tuning specialist

  • Cutter

  • Navigator

  • Cartographer

  • Topographer

  • Geographer

  • Architect

  • Designer

  • Astronomer

  • Meteorologist

  • Manager

  • Specialist in finance, taxes, insurance business

  • Laboratory Assistant

  • Pharmacist

  • Marketer

  • Logistics Specialist

More E's. The artistic person

The artistic person

You are good at working with creative images in different areas. For example, consider the professions of an artist, designer, illustrator or composer, sound specialist, screenwriter, writer or poet, stylist or hair, makeup expert, or even a tattoo artist. You could also become an art or literary critic, but only if you study artwork created by others. A detailed list of professions that will suit you is found below.

  • Graphic designer

  • Decorator

  • Cutter

  • Potter

  • Glassblower

  • Fabric dyer

  • Interior Designer

  • Knitting and embroidery specialist

  • Chaser

  • Cutter for various materials

  • Restorer

  • Painter

  • Engraver

  • Jeweller

  • Parquet Flooring Specialist

  • Director

  • Actor

  • Theatre and film critic

  • Poet

  • Writer

  • Playwright and screenwriter

  • Sculptor

  • Designer

  • Photographer

  • Fashion designer

  • Architect

  • Musician

  • Composer

  • Vocalist

  • Choreographer

  • Orchestra and choir artist

  • Choreographer

  • Music teacher

  • Conductor

We have got a gift for you!

Based on the test results, our course "Learn or leave the market" is suitable for you. It is free and focuses on the ability to build a career and plan your professional development. You will acquire a new skill in just an hour and a half of video tutorials. Of course, tests and case studies will also help you put your skills into practice. Register on the Lectera platform right now to reserve your free spot!

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