Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter…Each season has its own charm, and people, like seasons, also have characteristics that can be compared to the different times of the year.
Are you rational and cold, but fierce in anger like winter? Or do you never lose your cheerful voice, radiating light and joy like summer? Are you melancholic, sensitive, and insightful like autumn? Or maybe you are like spring, a creative soul?
We invite you to take our quiz to determine which season you belong to! Perhaps the quiz will reveal new facets of your character or help you see yourself in a completely new light. Just as all seasons are beautiful, everyone is beautiful in their own way too.
So, shall we find out if you are spring, winter, summer, or fall?
Imagine you encounter an unexpected problem at work just before submitting a project. How do you usually react?
How do you usually spend the coldest days?
And what is your favorite activity on hot days?
Do you have many friends?
How do you usually prepare for a new workday?
If you had the opportunity to travel to one of these places, which would you choose?
Which drink do you prefer?
How do you react to your own mistakes?
In your opinion, the best way to achieve success is to...
Your results