16 Online Services to Improve Yourself and Your Mind

16 Online Services to Improve Yourself and Your Mind

| Self-development

Technologies, gadgets and the Internet are not evil if you know how to use them properly. Today, we spend most of our time staring at the screens of our smartphones, or other digital devices. Since these technologies aren’t going anywhere, it’s high time we changed our attitude and started making the most of our smart devices and our time spent online.

Today, we've put together a compilation of 16 educational online services, platforms and apps that will get you into the right mindset for work, help you learn new languages, widen your outlook on the world and add new professional skills to your toolbox. Then, staring at your smart phone won't be a waste of time!



Lingualeo. This is one of the most popular English language learning platforms and offers a fun and playful approach to education. The developers have created over 250 000 unique free audio books, videos and songs which will make language learning easier and more interesting. You can test your knowledge with special exercises, and the learning programme can be adjusted to your current proficiency level. When you spend a lot of time learning on the platform, their virtual mascot, Leo the lion, gets more food to eat.

Duolingo. Hands down, the most popular language learning app. Here, you can learn not only English, but Spanish, German, Korean, Arabic and more! The list goes on to even include interesting options like Klingon, High Valyrian and Latin. You can learn the language of Essos (and others) in a playful way, with learning separated into modules - starting with the basics like the alphabet and finishing with complicated tenses. The app mascot, a green owl, has become a meme and is familiar even to people who've never used Duolingo to study.

Lingvist. This service claims that you will be able to learn English in 200 hours by actively memorising words, listening to audio recordings and reading texts. The defining feature of the service is its use of smart neural networks that track your progress within the programme, identify strengths and weaknesses and what you should pay attention to. The service was developed by a team of 10 people who speak a total of 10 languages and have 15 science degrees between them: which definitely inspires confidence!

Skyeng. This is a great option for people who aren't confident in their self-study abilities and are looking for additional help and support. A t Skyeng, you can learn English with a tutor, setting a schedule that works for you. Each tutor is selected individually, based on your goals and current language proficiency. You won't get any bad marks here, but progress is strictly evaluated, and there are programmes for both children and adults.

General education

General education

InternetUrok. This is a real general-education platform for people who want to learn algebra again or want to homeschool their children. The resource library features dozens of lessons covering all the subjects in the standard school curriculum. It offers the perfect conditions for extreme immersion and concentration - no need to get distracted by an annoying desk buddy or a disruptive classmate. The material is secured with special tests featuring instant feedback.

Arzamas. A real academy with experts using various content formats to teach history, culture, literature, art and other humanities subjects. From the history of Paris to life hacks on the best way to listen to classical music. Here you will find lectures, podcasts, television programmes, courses and fun tests. Lecturers and experts are invited from among university professors and academics with real Phd degrees.

PostNauka. This is a project dedicated to fundamental science and the people behind it - scientists. The project website presents a massive amount of knowledge in various formats - audio, video, text, courses and special projects - which will undoubtedly expand your outlook. Why do we forget our dreams? What was life like during the Upper Paleolithic period? Who invented idioms? Postnauka will easily give you the answers to all these questions.

Delovaya sreda. This is a focused professional platform featuring business insights and services. This is a joint project created by the 'Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation,' and 'Sberbank,' offering information for both young and experienced entrepreneurs in one place in various convenient formats (articles, books and online courses). Here you will find case studies from major companies, answers to the most pressing questions, and webinars from the country's leading businesspeople.

Education platforms

Education platforms

Coursera. As the parent of all contemporary education platforms, Coursera is widely known. You need to pay for most courses on the platform, but if you persevere and don't give up halfway through a programme, you can also receive a special certificate from Harvard, Stanford or other world-famous universities. The platform also features some free courses. Coursera has a Russian counterpart, Otkrytoe Obrazovanie, offering courses from leading Russian universities.

GeekBrains. A learning portal for everyone who is intrigued by the IT industry. It promises to teach anyone (who is motivated enough) the skills needed for more than 30 IT professions, taking students from Starter to Intermediate level with guaranteed employment at the end of it. You can learn to become a programmer, a developer, an expert in artificial intelligence or information security, a tester, or even a web designer. In short, there's a course for everyone here.

Skillbox. An online university where you can gain skills in a trendy online profession in design, programming, marketing and project management. This is an excellent first step for people who want to try working remotely but don't know where to start. Here, you can learn in-demand skills like SMM, targeting or UX design. Another project offering similar services is Netologia.

4brain. An open education portal specialising in teaching valuable intellectual skills. Do you want to read more over a short span of time? Take a course in speed reading. Do you want to read people's minds? Welcome to a course in profiling. Emotional regulation, time management, rhetoric and cognitivism - you can find anything here. The portal even has a course on communication techniques.

Brain exercises

Brain exercises

Wikium. A service that promises an enjoyable 'workout' for your brain. You'll probably enjoy the fact that you won't need to overexert yourself in your education. By only spending 15 minutes every day, you'll be able to improve your memory and attention span in a significant way. The programme is personalised, featuring a variety of tasks, from memorising pictures to solving problems.

BrainApp. Another 'gym class for your brain' that offers a playful way to brain train. BrainApp keeps your mind in shape and develops your memory, attention, cognitive skills, logic, intellect and even creativity. The exercises are given in the form of hundreds of games available on the service. By spending just five minutes of your day on this service, you can achieve significant improvements in just a few weeks.

NeuroNation. This service also offers a personalised programme for developing your brain, which is made up of 60 exercises. The app tracks your progress and identifies areas requiring improvements. Going back to difficult tasks when you least expect it can force your brain to work even more effectively.

Memorado. This app was created specifically to develop memory, concentration and logic. Developers have created more than 400 special in-game levels to make sure you never find yourself in an awkward situation by forgetting the date of your anniversary. The programme also includes special meditation exercises to improve your skills and offer a chance to relax.


If you've decided to learn something, but your surroundings are distracting and noisy, here are two excellent services to help you concentrate:

  • Brain.fm - music based on certain frequencies that will help you focus on important tasks and diminish fatigue;
  • Noisli - a library of calming sounds which you can use to create your own playlists.
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