April education news

April education news

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No matter what is happening in the world, learning remains an integral part of our lives. So, following our usual tradition, we have gathered together for you the most positive and exciting April news from the field of education to inspire you in your May educational exploits!

  • $100,000 Free Online Business Courses from Google

The company launched its Google Career Certificates educational program back in 2018. Currently, employees of any business registered in America will be able to take free online courses in design, Big Data, SEO, and other technical skills. The training takes three to six months to complete and includes an official Google certificate.

  • Schoolchildren write promotional letters for a dog shelter

Kensey Jones, a second-grade teacher from Richmond, Virginia, took some time to develop a theme for the topic of a school essay. Then one day, she had the idea of combining charity with a writing assignment. So, third graders began writing letters on behalf of the rescue dogs to motivate people to adopt them as part of their families. Thanks to these letters, the search for new owners was reduced to just 3 weeks!

  • English students may be able to adjust the difficulty of their exams independently

England's qualifications regulator, Ofqual, has announced that it is looking into how it can transform the way GCSEs and A-Levels are taken. They will probably be replaced by "adaptive testing." All exams will have several levels of difficulty: from basic to advanced. The student can choose the difficulty level depending on their educational goals and knowledge.

  • Online education in India will receive another $31 million

Education-focused FinTech startup Financepeer has raised $31 million in a funding round from Aavishkaar Capital. The project combines more than 10,000 educational institutions across India and over 3 million students on one platform. The emphasis is on developing innovative technologies and financial education for people from India (including in rural areas).

  • Indian students will be able to obtain dual degrees

The University Grants Commission (UGC) in India has enabled students to take two undergraduate or postgraduate physics courses simultaneously and integrate them with an online course or distance learning. The dual diploma format would be based on a uniquely flexible schedule. It will apply to all educational programs, providing the charter of a particular university permits it.

Arabian Business: Mila Semeshkina Is Among the Top Leaders Changing the Middle East!

The founders and leaders of business projects are powerful and strong-willed people who help our world grow and prosper.

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Entrepreneur magazine's pick: Lectera is among the 15 innovative products you should know about in 2024

The Spanish edition of the influential business publication Entrepreneur examined business recovery processes post-COVID-19. It released a list of 15 noteworthy innovative products worth paying attention to in 2024.

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An interview with Mila Smart Semeshkina for 150sec. Why traditional education can't keep up with online courses

According to a 2018 survey by the American Gallup Institute, only 1 in 10 graduate students said their education prepared them for practical work.

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Mila Smart Semeshkina and Lectera make it to the finals of the international EdTech Awards 2024

This year, there were over 60 nominations at The EdTech Awards | Future Focused For the Win. The online educational platform Lectera, led by its founder and CEO, Mila Smart Semeshkina, is among the winners.

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Mila Smart Semeshkina in the 100 Most Influential People in Dubai list

Mila Smart Semeshkina, CEO of the Lectera platform, was for the second time in a row included in Arabian Business’s 100 Most Influential People in Dubai ranking.

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According to Forbes columnist Mila Smart Semeshkina, "Startup success is a product of courage and foresight."

The founder and CEO of the Lectera platform, Mila Smart Semeshkina, told in her new article for the Forbes op-ed how to guarantee your startup a successful launch and a stable position in the market.

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Mila Smart Semeshkina receives the CEO of the Year at CEO Middle East Awards 2023!

On December 13, the annual Arabian Business’s CEO Middle East Awards ceremony was held in Dubai (UAE).

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Mila Smart Semeshkina Leads Inspiring Workshop on Personal Branding at UN Women Entrepreneurship Expo

Mila Semeshkina, CEO of Lectera and founder of the WE Convention, recently spearheaded a hands-on workshop on personal branding at the Women's Entrepreneurship Expo 2023.

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