In spring 2020, schools and universities had to switch to distance learning.
Many predicted that this would usher in an era of online education that would soon become as commonplace as classical education. However, after a few months of virtual classes, students and teachers changed their minds. According to surveys, many would like to get back to the traditional format and attend educational institutions daily. The explanation of this desire may be found in numerous shortcomings of the current online education and the quality of it, which is still far below a classical education.
Learning online has its strong and weak points. For example, it provides the opportunity to get more information in accelerated mode. However, an inaccurate evaluation system and absence of load control result in difficulties in learning new material.
"If you want a future in which students are just given information and are supposed to simply memorise it, then online learning is a perfect option," said an Oxford university professor after a few months of remote teaching.
In their opinion, the goal of education is to teach students to think critically, be able to analyze information and call facts into question. The internet environment does not serve this purpose.