What is a "resource state" and how do you "activate" it?

What is a "resource state" and how do you "activate" it?

| Self-development

Psychologists have not yet reached a consensus on what the "resource state" means. However, there is no doubt that a person can achieve their best results in a resource state because they feel much happier, calmer, and more productive. In a non-resource state, generally, we only have enough strength to live.

But our bodies' resources can be turned on - including energy for us to spend on achieving our goals. The resource state is natural for us, but we regularly encounter something that pushes us out of it and back into the non-resource state. Why does this keep happening?

The point is that our inner - physical and emotional - resources are limited. Every day we spend them on work, dealing with stress, and daily experiences. In the end we find ourselves in a non-resource state: our physical and emotional strength is simply depleted. This is why our internal resources need to be restored regularly! Everyone makes sure that they have enough money to meet their basic needs. But no one cares about their internal energy and forget that it is as easy to empty it as a wallet. If our internal resources are at zero, it can put an end to your career and even personal happiness.

So, the resource state is based on physical and emotional resources. Therefore, you need to restore them in order to activate the resource state and never leave it!

We restore our physical resources

We restore our physical resources

A person's physical resources are much more limited than their emotional ones. With age, this is felt more and more. At ten years old you didn't get tired, even after running a marathon. Then at forty it gets difficult just to get out of the bed in the morning. But it is in our power to change our lifestyle so that we have enough strength to get more out of life!

Nothing helps to maintain a resourceful state like taking care of your health. First of all, you need to acquire good habits:

  • Take walks in the fresh air. Walks in the sun are necessary: ​​this helps the body to replenish vitamin D reserves.
  • Drink enough water; don't wait to be thirsty. Thirst is the first symptom of dehydration.
  • Exercise regularly. (At least 1-2 times a week)

Often we can't find the strength to change our life for the better because our body has switched to a mode where it produces too few happiness hormones that fuel us. These hormones are dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin, and serotonin. Loretta Breuning, founder of the Inner Mammal Institute and author of the book "Hormones of Happiness," believes that you can stabilize the production of the right hormones in just 45 days. And this can be done just by living a healthy lifestyle!

Physical activity and a proper water drinking schedule are prerequisites for the production of happiness hormones. Their production can also be stimulated by moving towards a goal. Developing and noticing your own progress will make you happy for sure. And what is joy if not the production of those very hormones? That is why each stage of work that you need to take towards your goal must be monitored (for example, with the help of checklists) and celebrated after completion, because this way you keep yourself in a resource state.

The second component that makes up our resource state is emotional resources, without which there would be no need for physical resources.

We restore our emotional resources

We restore our emotional resources

What does it mean to "control your resources?" This means effectively managing their consumption and finding sources of replenishment in a timely manner. This is exactly what you need to do with emotional energy. The main reason for the excessive consumption of our emotional energy is fear. It slows down our ability to leave our comfort zone and unnecessarily takes away energy to fight against changes. Of course, changes shouldn't be resisted, but on the contrary, should be encouraged. As a result, emotional resources are spent on dealing with stress (which you caused yourself) and you go nowhere. You can quickly learn how to manage your fears in our online course "Say No to Your Fears. New Life and New Results".

It is important to constantly look for and patch up those "holes" through which our emotional resources are leaking. When do we expend the most emotional energy? For example, when we have an excessive sense of responsibility and we severely punish ourselves for even the smallest mistakes. Everyone has their own reasons for wasting their emotional resources. Finding out these reasons will allow you to constantly monitor them and develop your emotional intelligence. You can learn more in the course "Learn how to communicate with people: developing emotional intelligence".

Also, self-observation is necessary to find out which activities restore your emotional resources. After all, each case is purely individual. These will be completely different activities for different people: for example, someone restores their emotional resources by sitting at home and reading a book and someone else - when they go to a club. You can only find your own way to restore resources through experience: observing your feelings and trying different things. However, the emotional state of any person is always positively influenced by:

  • Good relationships with colleagues; work on a common interesting project. We spend a lot of time at work and it is important that this time not only requires effort from us, but also brings us satisfaction.
  • Communication with loved ones. This helps to normalize the emotional background and the home climate.
  • Laughter. Well, this is the easiest and a favorite way to feel better. Check!

Laughter not only helps us to regain our strength, but it even heals us. This has been confirmed by the sensational experiment by the journalist Norman Cousins. Norman was diagnosed with collagenosis. This disease causes the muscles to stiffen and freeze in a tense state. As a result, the patient may lose the ability to walk. Patients also often have problems with their heart, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Norman's disease progressed and treatment was ineffective. Then he began to look for an alternative solution. The attending physician mentioned that the disease recedes if the endocrine system of the body is pushed to the limit, for example as happens to women during pregnancy. Norman thought, if negative emotions are suppressing the endocrine system, can positive emotions stimulate it? He asked the nurse to read his favorite humorous stories and include comedies. He laughed for at least six hours a day and after a few weeks the disease began to subside, although doctors had considered his case to be hopeless.

Many people perceive the resource state as an abstraction; when you feel superhuman and can do anything. But the resource state is much more mundane and, more importantly, an achievable thing. This state can become your reality today, if you monitor the consumption of your resources and regularly replenish them. When you are in the resource state you can solve complex problems and get real pleasure from it. Isn't that the kind of life you've always dreamed of?

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