Around 83% of people aged 21 to 40 have suffered from stress at least once in 2020. Unfortunately, in 2021, this figure already rose to 91%, which is very disappointing.
In fact, it proves just how much harder our lives are becoming and constant coping with a highly competitive job market and economic turmoil. We're now in the middle of a pandemic!
Stress is the body's natural reaction to external threats or challenges that infringe on your sense of security and stability. Stress is not dangerous in and of itself, but it is difficult in that if you don't deal with it, stress can become chronic and lead to anxiety disorders. We invite you to answer ten questions to assess your current stress levels and see if you need to take immediate action to rid yourself of anxiety. And if you are feeling stress, what's causing it? What can you do to help yourself get back to the joy of work and life? Lectera will tell you everything!