Careers of the future: what professions will be in demand in the next 10 years?

Careers of the future: what professions will be in demand in the next 10 years?

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The careers of the future are all professions that are in high demand. They are constantly growing and will be at their peak in the next 5-10 years.

Naturally, these in-demand professions of the future will also be highly paid, which is why those who are just beginning to choose a career or are planning to radically change their field of activity should take a closer look at them. After all, the world is changing and so is the labor market - this is not new. Many professions are dying out or losing their relevance and they are being replaced by new ones based on progressive methods and digital technologies. So what professions will be in demand in the future? And what do you need in order to master them and become successful in these fields?

Most wanted skills in 2021

Most wanted skills

The set of necessary skills will differ for each individual profession,of course, but there are also soft skills or "flexible skills" that are important today for all employers. It is not for nothing that they are also called "over-professional" because they contribute to career growth and increase the efficiency of your work in all areas. Here are the most important ones that you should start learning right now:

  • Systematic and analytical thinking. These are irreplaceable for the professions of the future! Systematic thinking means the ability to find and structure material, to establish relationships between disparate elements, and also to separate the main points from secondary points and vice versa.

  • Communication skills. This can also include teamwork. This is the ability to effectively interact with the people around you, to negotiate productively, to reach compromises, etc.

  • Conflict management. This skill stems from the previous one - in order for communication to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to competently resolve emerging disputes and seek mutually beneficial conditions.

  • Project management. This is the ability to correctly prioritize tasks, manage work processes, and have knowledge of the principles of planning and time management. Remember: the professions of the future, that are new and promising, really need this skill!

  • Customer focused. Understanding the needs of the customer and the ability to select the best solutions to meet them.

  • Knowledge of a foreign language. This is always an additional bonus.

  • Leadership. The ability to lead a group of people; the ability to coordinate them, lead them, motivate them, and take responsibility for common decisions (including failures).

  • Adaptability and cross-functionality. This is a must have for the most promising professions of the future! We live in an era of unpredictability where we need to be able to respond to new challenges in a timely manner, resolve crises, predict situations, and quickly change our range of tasks.

  • Creativity. Creativity and aesthetic taste are welcome in all areas - from IT to the beauty sector.

The top 10 professions of the future

The top 10 professions of the future

You need to analyze the labor market in order to understand the prospects for career growth. Here are the most promising professions for the coming years and in the future:

  1. Bioengineer. A specialist in changing the properties of living organisms using the principles of biology and medicine. They can solve acute medical problems and carry out health care tasks. This can also include biopharmacology, which is the development of the latest drugs and dietary supplements for therapeutic purposes based on biological organisms. It also includes bioinformatics, which is the development of programs for collecting and analyzing data in biology.
  2. Designers of a "smart environment". IT-developers of technologies that transfer information between devices and ensure their stable operation. For example, "smart houses" that can independently turn unused appliances or devices on and off, open doors, etc.
  3. Robotics specialist. This is the most in demand profession of the future that is on everyone's minds at the moment. It includes the development of robots (including industrial ones) and the automation of technical systems.
  4. Cybersecurity specialist. The emergence of new digital technologies has created more and more threats to information security. This is why an IT cybersecurity specialist is worth their weight in gold today. They create and configure the defense of the information environment from data theft and hacking, as well as investigate cybercrimes.
  5. Specialist in alternative energy. The day is coming when oil and gas will either be 100% used up or will lose its relevance as a fuel. More and more countries are giving preference to renewable energy sources - which is why solar and wind energy specialists are among the top professions of the future.
  6. Neuromarketologist. A specialist in the study of customer behavior and how it is impacted. This profession is a mix between cognitive psychology, classical marketing, and neurophysiology.
  7. GMO agronomist and city farmer. GMO agronomists are engaged in the creation of genetically modified plants which allows them to combine different types of plants and adapt them to any environment. City farmers, on the other hand, operate agro-industrial farms on rooftops and in large urbanized cities, making agriculture and its products widely available.
  8. 3D printing engineer. Three-dimensional design is used today in completely different fields - from architecture to medicine and the production of engineering parts.
  9. Product manager. He leads a development team and is responsible for the successful launch of a new product to the market. He tracks the product at different stages of its life cycle, collects user feedback, and manages the development plan.
  10. Marketing analyst. Today the market is experiencing economic shocks almost every week. Competition is constantly growing. In order to stay afloat, companies must adjust their marketing strategies and optimize them in a timely manner. This also requires marketers, which no company can do without - neither a startup nor a large corporation.

There are actually much more new and promising professions for the future - these are only the most highly paid and interesting of them. Also, according to forecasts of some labor market experts, social workers may enter the top professions of the future. After all, teachers, medical staff, and educators will always be needed by society - and in the future too! Also, the profession of a translator will not lose its position, despite the fact that most translations of simple texts are carried out today with the help of artificial intelligence. However, even an advanced AI is not able to carry out a literary translation of a work of art.

Future professions for women

Future professions for women

In addition to the top 10 professions of the future which we have just analyzed and which are considered universal, it is also possible to single out predominantly female areas where such qualities as perseverance and attentiveness are especially valued. Specifically, these include:

  • Designer. There will be even more areas of design where you can realize yourself in 2021: landscape design, fashion design, interior design, websites, industrial design, etc.
  • Care specialist. This does not only mean social work (for example, caring for the elderly), but also animal grooming, as well as working in the beauty industry: styling, make-up, hairdressing.
  • Programmer. This is the most relevant profession of the future for girls! More and more often women are choosing the specialty of a software or game tester. Their tasks include assessing the quality and functions of programs, as well as eliminating and working out bugs until the final version of the product can be released.
  • Brand manager. The task of this specialist is to form the image of a product in the eyes of the consumer. Whether or not a new product will bypass its competition, whether consumers decide to buy it, and how highly it will be appreciated depends on the brand manager. In a competitive environment, this profession is the most in demand today.
  • SMM and SEO. Both of these specialists help to promote a product online. They often not only receive a decent wage, but they also have the ability to make their own schedule.

Of course, all of these professions of the future are not only for girls. Men can apply for them as well. They can master them and achieve success. This is just a conventional division based on the traditional preferences of both sexes - nothing more.

Professions of the future for men

Professions of the future for men

Unlike the list of future professions for women, the list of future professions for men is more narrow and more limited. Distinct boundaries for female and male professions are becoming more and more irrelevant, but there are still areas in which women, for various reasons, are reluctant to enter. So in 2021, the highest paid specialties for men remain:

  • Ship captain
  • Civil aviation pilot
  • Engineer for the processing and extraction of raw materials
  • Big data analyst
  • Drilling and oil production engineer

In addition, the most promising professions of the future remain specialists of the military-industrial complex. This includes professions in the fields of construction, architecture, public catering, and space.

Now you know what professions are destined to be in demand in the future! It's possible that a real "boom" in them will occur only around 2024 or 2025 when such obsolete specialists such as an accountant, a dispatcher, a salesman, etc. will finally disappear. However, do not delay your learning; you have an amazing chance now to become a pioneer in these innovative professions that the world will reach in only a few years. Don't miss out!

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