Female leadership is almost a trend. All women in the world have the potential to manage and lead, but not all of them know how to realise it.
In Lectera's course "Women's Leadership: How to take up a Leadership Position in any company," you will finally unlock and level-up your leadership skills to the max! From the get-go, we suggest you take a quiz to discover what type of women leaders you belong to. What are your strengths and weaknesses, and what do you need to pay attention to become the respected leader of your team, company, and niche?
Answer our Nine questions and find out the answer!
What do you consider your primary weapon in conflicts with colleagues, clients, or partners?
A person you assigned a vital task has not completed it, and the deadline is looming. Your actions are:
A colleague publicly criticizes your work. How do you react?
What on this list is the biggest reason for you to celebrate and be proud of yourself?
What is your relationship with your team?
What do you think is your biggest flaw?
Male partners don't take you seriously and laugh at the fact that a woman was sent to make such an important transaction with them. Your actions are:
Do you consider yourself a leader?
The worst thing for you in your career is:
Your results