COVID-19 Drives the Growth of Innovative Education Companies

COVID-19 Drives the Growth of Innovative Education Companies

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Despite the daily flurry of negative news about struggle, loan defaults, destruction and bankruptcy of existing businesses  that COVID-19 has caused,  investors should also be conscious of the fact that COVID-19 has created far greater business opportunities as well.

Moreover, it was the pandemic that stimulated thousands of companies around the world to change their marketing strategy and actively fight for a share of the market. For example, with most schools and universities being closed due to quarantine since February, online learning has caught on like wildfire, and is now at its peak.

Undoubtedly, COVID-19 has caused disruption in the global education system, but at the same time, the epidemic has laid a solid foundation for further growth of innovative companies that can offer new methods of online learning. This trend will continue even after a vaccine against the virus is available. Amongst its many other benefits, online education has also opened up access to knowledge for families with low incomes, as well as for students with special needs and disabilities.

Many educators will be able to use online education platforms to keep up with the times and be one hundred percent prepared for the next epidemic outbreak. Today, online courses do not just offer a chance to learn something new, but also an opportunity to boost the skills necessary to build a successful career. Here are a few companies that provide such courses:

  1. Khan Academy. This is one of the most famous online schools. This non-profit organization has set itself the task of "providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere in the world."
  1. Arco Platform Limited. Today, this Brazilian platform educates over 1,360,000 students and partners with 5,400 private schools.
  1. Chegg CHGG. Provides students both digital and physical textbooks on rental basis. In addition, the site practices online tutoring and offers many other useful services for students.
  1. China New Higher Education Group. It is a specialized online service provider used by Chinese teachers for continuing vocational education and training.
  1. Connections Academy. Learning program is built on the K-12 system. Such courses are personalized and divided into 12 classes, just like in a school, but only with a large volume of assignments.
  1. Instructure. One of the leading online schools focused on the business segment. It offers training for corporate employees, and can also be used to enhance student achievement or teachers' professional development.
  1. Kahoot (KAHOOT-ME.OL). Headquartered in Norway, this education company offers online courses for primary and secondary school students. It was founded in partnership with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
  1. K12. This is also a platform for teaching primary and secondary school children. The site focuses on teaching foreign languages ​​(English, German, Spanish, etc.).
  1. New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc. Online courses of this Chinese company are designed for students from preschool to grade 12. The platform also offers consultancy services to students who want to study abroad.
  1. Perdoceo Education Corporation. Allows students to remotely obtain degrees in full-fledged higher education - bachelor's, master's, or even in postgraduate studies.
  1. TAL. This is a Chinese company providing access to online courses and tutoring services.
  1. 2U. This company is actively involved in the development and implementation of educational technologies, and also collaborates with leading universities.

In addition to this list, there are a dozen more companies that are benefiting from the fact that demand for online education is continuing to grow. Investors should definitely pay attention to this nascent investment niche! Shares and bonds of all of the above companies are sold both singly and in some cases as part of exchange-traded funds.

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