In the 21st century, quality education is no longer a luxury; it should be a right. Everyone in the world, regardless of location, residence, gender, or financial status, should have the opportunity to obtain essential skills and knowledge to develop a career and realise one’s potential.
This principle guides the Lectera platform when creating courses. Its founder, Mila Smart Semeshkina, in her article for the business publication Forbes, describes how businesses could help by providing education for everyone and making the world a better place.
For example, Microsoft recently agreed with the Nigerian Ministry of Education to educate five million Nigerians in digital technologies by 2027 and provide access to various digital resources and equipment, like computers and tablets. Additionally, it plans to provide Internet access to schools and students' homes. Mila Semeshkina states, "cooperation between business and the government plays a decisive role in improving the accessibility of education." She also suggests the following ways for businesses to contribute to developing the world's educational environment:
- Introducing and promoting online degrees and digital certificates. Mila says, "the opportunity to obtain degrees and master professions remotely will help disadvantaged individuals living in deprived areas to improve their quality of life."
- Providing additional scholarships, grants, and programs for students from remote areas or disadvantaged families. Businesses can give all kinds of financial support to those who want to become a professional and change their family situation or their entire country.
- Creating global educational institutions that simultaneously cover many countries and offer international interactive learning. For example, Lectera courses are available equally for European countries and India or Indonesia.
In other words, one of the ways to increase access to education could be to invest in teacher training and improve their qualifications. The inclusiveness of schooling and whether all students can attain knowledge of equal value despite social and cultural differences largely depends on teachers.
In the full version of her article on the official Forbes website, you can find out more about how to ensure the accessibility of education with the participation of business and business initiatives.