Why I use my hobbies to generate a revenue stream, and why I recommend you to do the same!

Why I use my hobbies to generate a revenue stream, and why I recommend you to do the same!

| Editor-in-Chief's Column

I will never tire of repeating that your favorite activity is most likely to be the most profitable one for you. It goes without saying that everyone should do what he or she likes, because nothing is more important than human happiness.

However, let's be honest: in the modern world, this happiness is unattainable if the only thing you get out of your work is pleasure, but are not getting commensurately rewarded for it. Everyone aspires for, and is entitled to a high standard of living. This balance of happiness and financial stability is achievable only when the source of income is an activity that you are passionate about.

Find a pursuit what you love!

Find a pursuit what you love

After finishing schooling at the age of 15, I immediately entered the University for a Dual Study Program, because I was always fixated on learning and opening new horizons for myself. After that, as a dedicated student of science, I opted for post graduate studies, and then got an internship in the USA and wrote my doctoral thesis. There was a time when I was juggling two jobs to support myself, and I barely slept 3-4 hours a day. By the time I turned 25, I think I achieved what many people do not achieve even by age of 30. How did I survive this race against time? The key is not only in the assiduous efforts that I took - needless to say, there is no gainsaying their importance-, but also in the fact that I have always enjoyed what I do. Whether I'm studying, managing a new project or creating an educational platform - I always get a genuine thrill from my work. Incidentally, this is how Lectera came about: I loved learning and training, and wanted to share this love with the entire world!

If you do not have a goal or a pursuit that you are passionate about in your entire life, then you definitely need to find it. If you have one, you need to devote to it all the resources at your command. A goal that you are passionate about, and which has become your source of income, and in which you do not grudge regularly expending your resources, will invariably become an inexhaustible gold mine! Your love for business will fuel your motivation, and your investment will always pay off. That's the way it works. Even if not immediately, even if not in the proportion that you expect, you will definitely get the return on your investment. The "mine" you created will steadily grow in size and yield more and more gold. Monetizing your hobbies is the best way not only to be happy, but also to get rich.

How my hobby got monetized

How my hobby got monetized

I still try to monetize my hobbies. Take for example my love for jewelry! Rare is a woman that does not like them, I must admit. Beyond just liking, one day I decided to study how the value chain of this industry works, from mining of precious stones, all the way to pricing. Why is everything so expensive? How are the precious stones categorized? What about the process of creating jewelry? Every time I start learning a new subject, this "subject" becomes my business project. Thus came about the project "Milardt" - my jewelry brand, where you can buy high-quality and exclusive jewelry at a price several times lower than the price of other brands. This is because I know how to convert my love for business into a monetary gain.

Another example is my passion for delicious food. I am a consummate gourmet; I love haute cuisine and collect fine wines. And I understand that there are many people who share my passions - so why not offer them a product that I would like myself? So, recently I launched another project - Amarone Club. This is an elite gastronomic club for those who appreciate the variety of flavors and high quality gastronomic delights that we source and bring from all over the world.

One of my most interesting hobbies is selective perfumery. Friends who know about this and are aware of my penchant for undertaking projects based on hobbies; ask in jest as to when my new brand of perfume will appear! Well, maybe it will soon, and why not?

Hobby monetization is the answer to any question. It's a way to improve the quality of your life, find happiness and move forward, always staying motivated. In a word, wealth, inspiration and dream: all rolled into one! Why spend your life "working" when you can dedicate it doing what you love?

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