Harmful tips for professionals: how to fail any job interview

Harmful tips for professionals: how to fail any job interview

| Self-development

Job interviews represent an extremely crucial moment in anyone's life, especially if it is their first job interview.

However, unfortunately, sometimes even the most experienced professionals make mistakes when being interviewed, so they bury their dream job under the ruins, even though they really deserve the job. So how do you avoid making the same mistakes? We have produced an entertaining way to banish them at last: Browse through the lousy advice cards that should not be followed, then click on them and read how you should do it!

If you want to know all about employment, then welcome to the "Finding Your Dream Job" course, where you will discover how to shine during an interview, negotiate higher salaries, increase your value in the job market, and build relationships with your colleagues.

In 2022, no one writes cover letters anymore. A CV is enough.

No, a CV will certainly not be enough because HR managers and employers review hundreds of them daily, and they hardly differ from each other. Cover letters should be written correctly and personalized for each company, helping the employer distinguish you from your competitors. Demonstrate your interest in the company through your letter: talk about experience, education, and relevant projects, and then mention that you would expect to find even more opportunities for professional growth in their company. The important thing is to keep the letter to just three paragraphs.

It makes no sense to find out details about the company in advance - they will tell you everything you need to know at the interview anyway.

Every employer hopes to find a motivated worker who deliberately picked their company Therefore, preparing for the interview is vital! Discover what the company does, its achievements and results, market positions, and goals. You will know whether it is interesting to work there in principle and simultaneously impress your interviewer through your awareness of all the nuances.

To attract attention to your application, you must respond to all the company's vacancies that are published on the website.

An employer is looking for a professional. To be a professional, you should focus on one field and dig, dig, dig. It is impossible to be proficient in numerous areas, so someone who doesn't mind simultaneously working as a marketer, editor, and manager raises big questions. They will think you are a bot sending out mass replies at best. At worst, they will decide that you are a person without purpose or ambition. You will come across as someone who does not know what they want from their career and are ready to settle for anything.

To get a dream job, you simply lie by adding skills that you do not have

To get a dream job, you simply lie by adding skills that you do not have. Then master them later!

It may surprise you, but having certain skills is by far not the most important reason an employer decides to hire you. However, your ability to learn and adapt is vital. Being honest is important, so you should never put in the resume skills that you don't have. If this comes up during your work at the company, you can be fired.

It is far better to admit that you lack experience, although you are an adaptive person. You have already started to examine materials about this subject. Also, place the right emphasis in your CV: highlight skills required for the job you are applying to and leave out any non-relevant ones (why clutter your CV?). Your aim is to convince the employer that you can effectively do the job and improve your skills if necessary, and not that you can do everything in the world.

It does not hurt to read a couple of books on NLP before the interview to persuade the interviewer to employ you.

Taking a position of "I'm the smart one, and everyone around me is fools" will guarantee you a failure. Do not try to outsmart the interviewer, especially if it is an HR manager, because they are trained in NLP techniques and other psychological tricks to identify and prevent them. Instead, respect your interviewer and aim for open and productive communication, not persuasion. Active listening, public speaking, and emotional intelligence skills help you win over a potential employer.

Suppose this is your first job interview and you have neither the experience nor the relevant skills. In that case, you need to let the employer know that right away. Sincerity matters most

Yes, sincerity is necessary but not when it prevents you from presenting yourself in a favorable light. Learn how to work favorably with your weaknesses. For example, if you have never worked anywhere before, do not say "I have no work experience," instead, say, "I had volunteer experience with this organization, and I also helped lead a project there." If you have hosted events, functioned as an organizer, developed a product by yourself, or have shown activity in your chosen area, discuss it as work experience. The same goes for skills - do not dump information on the employer and talk about the advantages, not the disadvantages.

You have to take all your diplomas and certificates and show them to the employer.

Yes, certificates and diplomas are vital but only those that confirm your professionalism in a particular field. There are also universal diplomas that will benefit anyone, such as certificates of knowledge of foreign languages like TOEFL or IELTS. Diplomas completing professional courses on well-known educational platforms are also a good addition, However, all this is not necessary.

It does not matter how you arrive at the interview

It does not matter how you arrive at the interview because the most important thing is your knowledge and experience.

First impressions are the most powerful, and they are not so easy to dispel. They are formed in the first 10-15 seconds of a conversation. Don't you want to impress the employer with your intelligence and a tidy, business-like manner? It is unnecessary to dress in line with a dress code. However, your clothes must be neutral, clean, and ironed. No dirty shoes or filthy hair. To make sure you have picked the right style, you may look at the gallery on the company's website or look through the social media profiles of its employees to see what it is customary to wear at the company.

Reveal as much as possible about yourself. Your whole biography is best - the employer will appreciate your honesty.

It is essential to have an open dialogue; however, there must be a measure for everything. An interview is a purely professional conversation between two professionals, not a friendly meeting. Focus on describing your work, tasks, and achievements, ask counter questions to the interviewer to show participation, use the skill of active listening and answer the questions posed. Anything about children, family, or hobbies would be more appropriate to discuss with your friends. Ideally, prepare answers to the interviewer's possible questions in advance. Do not allow yourself or the interviewer to be distracted.

Talk to your interviewer as an equal to create the impression of professionalism.

You are already halfway to the victory if you feel comfortable in an interview without feeling nervous or embarrassed. However, do not confuse self-confidence with familiarity and lack of etiquette. A friendly manner of communication will not please everyone, particularly if you have just met this person. Therefore, during the interview, the interviewer will examine your knowledge and ability to behave socially and appropriately and observe business etiquette.

Let the interviewer know that you are planning to start your own business or get a job in a larger company soon, but for now, you just want to practice in the meantime.

No employer wants to "replace" an employee who has no interest in long-term development within the company. Therefore, if you let the employer know that their company is not in your long-term plans during the first interview, they will prefer another candidate who wants to commit to the company for at least a few years. Therefore, let the interviewer know that you want to stay in the job and consider it a springboard for growth and deepening your profession. If you are going to share your plans for life with an employer, then share only those connected with them.

Interviews are tricky; however, now you know how to ensure you do not fail initially! Stay calm, remember your strengths, and demonstrate a desire to bring results to the company - this is the most important thing.

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