News - page 9

Podcasting: A Media Product Making Millions
Podcasting: A Media Product Making Millions

Podcasts are audio tracks of discussions on specific topics.  They can be listened to using special mobile applications, on YouTube or music platforms.

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Netology to Invest up to $ 10 Million in Education Startups
Netology to Invest up to $ 10 Million in Education Startups

Netology is planning to launch an accelerator to help emerging EdTech projects. 10 to 15 companies will receive up to $ 10 million in total by transferring from 30% to 60% of their shares to Netology.

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Coursera Agrees to the Use of Its Lectures by Universities
Coursera Agrees to the Use of Its Lectures by Universities

Coursera has launched a project enabling universities to freely use their lectures. Coursera believes that cutting-edge knowledge should be available anywhere in the world and any educational institution should be able to join it.

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EdCrunch: major education technology conference kick-starts in Moscow
EdCrunch: major education technology conference kick-starts in Moscow

On October 1-2, EdCrunch - a major education technology conference - will take place in the World Trade Center in Moscow.

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How Instagram will help clean up the oceans
How Instagram will help clean up the oceans

American Express, an American financial organization, has partnered with Parley for the Oceans to launch an initiative to clean up ocean coasts.

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Deloitte study: almost half of Russian users block online ads

According to a new study from Deloitte Consulting, 44% of Russian users block online ads.

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Instagram gets rid of likes - consideration for user well-being or attack on influencers?

Instagram is currently testing a new interface that will not include likes. Like statistics will only be available to the creator of the post.

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Inc. features 3 network marketing companies in list of fastest-growing privately held companies

Each year, Inc. selects 5000 privately held companies that show the highest growth. The total 2018 revenue of all the companies in the new ranking adds up to $237.7 billion.

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The Manifest: new study shows how people interact with brands on social networks

The Manifest surveyed 537 social media users in the United States to find out how they interact with brands online.

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Are YouTube bloggers threatened with a ban on monetizing children's content?

YouTube bloggers targeting a children’s audience are about to get an unpleasant surprise - video hosting is radically changing its policy regarding children's content.

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Is Instagram stealing a key feature from TikTok?

Instagram will add an absolutely new way of recording videos in stories. It will be a tool called ‘Clips’.

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Coursera will help students with job search

Australian job search service SEEK Group has recently invested $103 million into educational platform Coursera: the money will be used to develop programs and help students find jobs. 

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Russian TV advertising market declines by 9%

The total size of the ad market reached 227 billion rubles, which is 3% higher than the indicator for the same period in 2018.

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Seniors online: why your digital strategy should consider older audiences

Over the past 2 years, the number of senior online users has increased by 55%. Today, according to Mediascope, there are 7.5 million users in this category.

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Digital entertainment industry: key trends and projections in a new PwC report

In late August, international consulting company PwC released an Entertainment and Media industry outlook for 2019-2023.

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