Which neural network will help you accomplish your marketing tasks?

Which neural network will help you accomplish your marketing tasks?

| Digital marketing

Nowadays, neural networks are everywhere: they can create advertising campaigns, produce videos, and even become actors and directors. What else can artificial intelligence do?

Generating images


Yes, this neural network will generate any photo for you!


This neural network can also help you; however, its primary purpose is generating text.

Writing text


You are right! This neural network is good at text writing.


Wrong - this neural network works like Photoshop, rejuvenating actors' faces in videos.

Creating videos


Wrong! This neural network generates videos based on articles and posts on social media.


Yes, you're right! This neural network is considered to be one of the most effective when it comes to producing videos.

Creating audio


This neural network allows you to create a video using an audio track. If you need to convert audio into a video, feel free to utilise it.

Imaginary Soundscape

Yes, that's right! This neural network produces background music based on an image and independently selects it.

Forecasting demand


This neural network focuses on voice imitation. If you don't want to do a voice-over in a video yourself, artificial intelligence can do it for you.


This neural network is also able to forecast the demand for goods! It can do many things – however, only when you work with numbers.

Creating presentations


Yes, you are right! This neural network can also create fascinating transitions between slides.


You got it wrong. This neural network will enable you to modify an existing presentation but will not create it from scratch.

Summarising primary concepts from documents and books


You guessed wrong! It can accomplish this but does not specialise in this type of task.


That's right! This neural network was created to highlight the most important concepts from vast amounts of text.

Cold calling

Notion AI

Unfortunately, you're mistaken; this neural network will assist you in creating text and organising notes but will not call customers.

Speech Robot

That's right! The neural network will help you to make cold calls and conduct surveys.

Creating advertising banners


You were almost right; this neural network creates pictures but not designs for advertising banners.


Yes, this is right! The neural network will provide you with a marketing design for any purpose.



Correct! This neural network is highly beneficial for marketers and specialists using analytics.


This neural network can effectively assist you with analytics, but its overall emphasis is in creating text.

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