Short-term prospects for digital marketing: what to prepare for this year

Short-term prospects for digital marketing: what to prepare for this year

| Digital marketing

There’s a new trend gaining traction in the marketing departments of major corporations - transitioning to digital communications on all management levels.

This is the case both for internal communications between company employees and for interactions with external clients or suppliers. These changes are affecting all business areas with no exceptions. Companies hoping to keep up with the trends should focus on reinventing their marketing strategies.

Recent trends indicate that in the near future, most organizations will start creating their own internal marketing services instead of turning to external experts for assistance.

What should be the main focus for marketing experts?

Marketing in the era of digital technologies

Marketing in the era of digital technologies

Within any serious and promising company, the marketing cluster needs to adopt an innovative approach as its main credo.

When setting the marketing strategy, it's important to consider the traditions that have shaped our society. Implementing something new is not enough: companies must also remain agile when establishing the balance between traditional standards and innovation.

Personal data

Personal data

We all know that the law is strict when it comes to maintaining personal data privacy. When interacting with any client, the individual must give written consent for the company to use their personal information for specific predefined purposes.

This data must be treated with extreme care, as any company that receives personal data from their clients is deemed responsible for following GDPR regulations, which came into force in 2018.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a set of strict laws on data confidentiality which regulates liability between companies and individuals. In the digital era, all marketing studies, promotions and programs must strictly follow personal data protection regulations. It is the law!

Digital marketing growth within the new paradigm

Digital marketing growth within the new paradigm

According to statistics, the number of clients using mobile technologies (smartphone apps, mobile services, etc.) for various services is growing with each year.

Progressive marketing experts understand that manual data processing and pen and paper applications will soon become a thing of the past. That's why it's important to start promoting marketing in a smart environment, not only creating new opportunities for clients, but also building up a strong basis for automation within the marketing department and across all levels of the organization.

Understanding client needs and requirements

Understanding client needs and requirements

Despite the advancement of digital technologies, regular people and their needs, values and expectations are still the cornerstone at the core of all advanced systems and technologies. A human-focused approach is essential in the development of any company.

In the modern world, when almost all basic needs are satisfied, digital marketing will be used to create new needs. Even today, advanced chatbots are a common attribute of everyday life, offering a wide range of services - often including emotional support for users.

Applications with voice search

Applications with voice search

Developing technologies that match our sensory capabilities is not only a sensible approach reflecting an understanding of customer needs, but also a resource that can offer an opportunity for further growth within the company.

It is common knowledge that voice recognition systems (like those used to communicate with chatbots) are already extremely popular. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't heard about Alexa or Alisa. Users can communicate with these robots without any special actions. The apps are easy to use, often easier than interacting with someone in real life. The bots are equipped with voice recognition technologies that overcome all barriers to user communication. These trends will only gain more traction in the future. The number of devices and programs with voice interfaces will increase. Marketing departments will also continue using these technologies within their customer acquisition strategies.

Only real social network users

Only real social network users

It is common knowledge that social networks are saturated with fake accounts and pages. Marketing technologies are partially responsible for this, as 'fake' interfaces are often used to promote products. However, today, the abundance of these 'dirty' technologies has resulted in major deleting sprees on many social networks, with the deletion of hundreds or even thousands of unconfirmed accounts.

For instance, in 2019 alone Twitter blocked more than 70 million false accounts. Facebook went even further, deleting over 1.5 billion suspicious accounts. And as we can see, this purge is far from over. The fight against fake accounts on social media will continue into the future. Thankfully, companies conducting transparent marketing campaigns have nothing to worry about.

There are already some apps that can mimic our intellectual activity using neural networks. IT experts predict that most regular users will order 85% of their usual services using chatbots equipped with artificial intelligence.

Visualization in the broadest sense

Visualization in the broadest sense

Digital visualization technologies are gradually leaving the realm of science fiction, becoming increasingly integrated into our everyday lives. Today, virtual objects surround us wherever we go, on all kinds of digital screens, video walls and digital signs, affecting all our sensory organs and perception systems. Studies show that Digital Signage (the technology of displaying information on electronic mediums installed in public spaces) has the same impact on people as the Internet.

Major companies including Microsoft, Google and Pinterest have already made great strides in this direction, and experience shows that visualization will continue its development, that may lead to a real breakthrough in the future, with new developer companies entering the market and fighting for dominance in this area.

Thus, we have listed the most relevant trends that will impact the market in the nearest future. Equipped with this knowledge, a savvy marketing expert can easily increase company profits by staying ahead of the curve with their planning.

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