The Personal Growth Rules I Live By

The Personal Growth Rules I Live By

| Editor-in-Chief's Column

Often, people ask me, “What’s your secret of continuous development and high productivity? How do you move forward not only confidently but also quickly? How do you conquer new goals, change and grow, scaling ever greater career heights?”

Well, I know from my experience the five rules for professional growth. Following them stops you from slowing down and refusing to give up when you face bumps in the road. The rules allow you to systematically self-actualise, or in other words, to fulfil your potential. I worked out these rules for myself a long time ago, and today I've decided to share them with you!

Grow with the rest of the world

Grow with the rest of the world

The essence of the rule is to make a bit of an effort daily. Without small daily changes, it is impossible to change globally. Likewise, you can't rise from being a regular employee to becoming a boss at the snap of your fingers. In reality, everything happens incrementally in an ever-moving world. If you're lag behind, you risk failing to catch up with your rivals, thus ending up on the sidelines for life in general and in the labour market. Therefore, you must ubiquitously constantly grow! Take every opportunity as a springboard, and you can learn how to do this at breakneck speed with Lectera's course "Changing Mindsets. Program Yourself To Succeed."

Grow purposefully

Grow purposefully

Chaotic growth is useless. For example, you have a cooking master class, although you are an economist, and you rush there because you should use "every opportunity as a springboard." No! It's about something entirely different. It would be best to use those opportunities to help you get closer to your specific goal or develop in a particular area where you strive to be an expert. How will a cooking course help an economist? It won't. However, taking classes on developing your personal brand, yes, that's another story!

Choose several areas of interest. The optimal amount is five to seven. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Just focus on those areas of development that will help you in your chosen profession. For instance, if you want to increase your income, learn what will bring you financial growth. If you're going to attract new partners, work on levelling up your negotiation and communication skills. In a nutshell, you need to have a laser beam focus on what skills and knowledge base you need to develop in a carefully considered and phased development plan, and the perfect start to achieving this is to take Lectera's course "How to Believe in Yourself and Become a Charismatic Leader".

It is easier to grow in a fragrant garden than among weeds

It is easier to grow in a fragrant garden than among weeds

It would help if you surrounded yourself with people who are creating an atmosphere conducive to your development. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that you must radically change everything and abandon old friends. You just need to prioritise. What's more critical - discussing a new series or mastering a new skill with a friend who has been rotating in your dream niche for several years?

Surround yourself with those with whom you dream one day to catch up. Reach for and behind them to instil the same way of thinking. After all, it's thinking that distinguishes very successful people from just successful ones. Expand your network of business acquaintances, watch the speeches of famous billionaires on YouTube, read their biographies and try to understand how they think. Most crucially, remember: if you don't grow, then you are stagnating, and then inevitably degrading. You will learn about effective techniques in Lectera's course "Stress Management - 40 Superechniques: How to Change Life for Better".

Grow systemically

Grow systemically

Compare the results from your past years. How much has your income increased? And what about your quality of life? In retrospect, you should always see how much both have changed. If growth is not visible or there is no growth, you are moving in the wrong direction or aren't taking a systematic approach. If you used the public transport a year ago, and now you own a car, the growth is tangible, and you're moving in the right direction!

Growth should become as much a habit as brushing your teeth. If on any given day you've failed to do anything that has brought you closer to achieving your goal, then it's a wasted day. Write a roadmap for yourself to direct you to your desired result. For instance, to get a million dollars worth of capital. Move along this map sequentially - from point A to B, then to C, and so on. Moreover, don't just drift where the winds take you. You must become that wind and go where you need to, not where "destiny" leads.

Practice is the basis for growth

Practice is the basis for growth

Growing purely on theory is impossible. Your best friends are practice, work and action. That is, if you want your development to bear fruit, you must bring it as close as possible to real life. Follow the algorithm: you receive new knowledge, apply it to your work, and then re-apply to consolidate. After all, what's the use of gaining new skills if you don't know how to use them? It's pointless, and you are just wasting your valuable time! That is one of the most important rules - grow through action, not through knowledge alone.

These rules still guide me and help me keep moving forward. The rules' basis is to create a clear vision of your goal and a willingness to improve yourself to achieve it. Remember, the sky's the limit, and nothing is impossible if you have the self-confidence, desire, and motivation!

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