Quiz! Is it time for you to go on holiday?

Quiz! Is it time for you to go on holiday?

| Career

Sooner or later we all have a turning point at work, when we realise, “That's it, I can't go on like this any longer. It's time to go on holiday!”

And, typically, this moment is always accompanied by a tantrum, a quarrel, an emotional meltdown where we end up face down on the keyboard and can't get up. This is especially concerning because it is a sign of accumulated fatigue, which can develop into a chronic condition and ultimately result in burnout. And that's when you can't get away with an ordinary holiday…

To prevent you from pushing yourself to this point, we have developed a special quiz that will determine the extent of your need for a holiday. Just take it regularly and you will definitely not miss the "warning signs"; you will take your holiday on time and thus save yourself a lot of physical and mental problems.

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