Online magazines frequently address the issue of recognising workplace abuse and how to tackle it.
Almost every team has that one individual who inspires thoughts like, "Ugh, they're so toxic, let's steer clear of them!" This person invariably responds to any kind-hearted comment-even a compliment-with eye rolls, making you feel slighted after each interaction. As you read this, you have probably thought of someone who fits this description, didn't you? However, consider this: what if, to someone else, you are that person?
Life can be quite unpredictable! Often, we may not realise when we start to emit negativity, influencing those around us. It's essential to recognise these moments and quickly curb this negativity to prevent harmful effects on your personal relationships and career.
Lectera will determine whether there's a reason for concern and, if necessary, provide a solution.
Suddenly, you're tasked with mentoring a newcomer who has just graduated from university and joined the company. There's no escape—now they're your responsibility! How will you manage this situation?
You and a colleague have been vying for a promotion for a year now. Ultimately, they were selected over you, and the announcement has just been made public. How do you respond?
When someone is complimented in front of you, you...
Do you always share your opinion with others, even when it differs from theirs?
Which of the following behaviours is normal for you during an argument?
In your opinion, what kind of people do you primarily surround yourself with?
Your friend or sister has a new haircut, but you feel it doesn't quite suit her. What is your response?
Is sarcasm a common element in your speech?
Have you ever engaged in arguments in the comments section of an online forum or trolled others?
Your results
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