How well do you really understand internet marketing?

How well do you really understand internet marketing?

| Network marketing

Internet marketing combines both the best benefits of traditional marketing with the latest technology. It is incredibly versatile and could create up to 90% of your business profits, even without offline methods.

Having an insight into internet marketing is vital if you want to grow your business and beat your competitors. Are you ready to test your knowledge? Try and figure out which of the following statements about internet marketing are either true or false!

YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, SEO, email marketing, Facebook and contextual advertising are all marketing channels.


That's exactly right! Internet marketing is remarkably diverse.

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Oops, you got that wrong! Perhaps you don't know a lot about marketing channels?

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All the above are Internet marketing channels that can be used simultaneously, or you may want to favour a specific one. For example, YouTube is excellent for audience engagement. Instagram is perfect for businesses with anything to showcase. SEO remains a versatile weapon that everybody could use. Each has its nuances and differences, and you need to know them to use these channels effectively!

To rapidly build your email marketing subscriber base, you just need to purchase one.


That would be a big mistake! Do you know why?

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You are right! Purchasing a database is not acceptable.

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All the contacts within a purchased database are not going to be interested in your mailing list. Users will put your emails into their spam filter without giving it a second thought. Following a few "complaints", every one of your emails will start to fall into this category (even if some of your users are genuinely waiting for them). You might even be banned from the service you've used to create your email newsletters! After all, it's illegal to use someone else's contact details without their consent.

Only websites that have a large audience get to the top of Google search


It's not true! Enough with the pessimism. Everything is much simpler than that!

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Correct! You seem to know a thing or two about search results!

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To reach the top of the search results, you don't have to be a big website with thousands of leads. All you need is excellent SEO. High-quality content, the appropriate indexing of pages, convenient website navigation, stable traffic, and then you certainly will reach the top! By the way, it's far easier to take care of all of these stages with the course "From SEO to search engine marketing: new SEO level".

When it comes to your website, search engine indexing will be determined by robots-algorythms


Right, Correct! You have a good memory.

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Wrong, you are confusing something here?

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It depends on the site's indexing whether your website will reach the first page of the search results. Every search engine launches its own “robots” that verify the site's content for consistency, convenience, quality of content and countless other measures. Based on the results of this, the robots will provide you with a score and decide wherever and to whom you ought to be displayed.

It is impossible to revive your old subscriber base - just create a new one


No, it isn't! What a pessimistic attitude!

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Congratulations! You guessed it!

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Reactivating your old contact database is not just possible but necessary! It doesn't matter how long you've been out of touch with your customers. It's much easier to redevelop old relationships than build new ones. The key is to know how to reintroduce yourself and re-engage with your long-lost customer. You can find out how to revive your old database and discover all the secrets of successful email marketing in the course "Email Marketing in Business: Working with a Client Base".

On Instagram, your success depends on your ability to choose the right images.


It's true! Images rule our world.

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Wrong! The single most important thing about Instagram is, indeed, the visuals.

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A modern-day individual is better at perceiving images than text. That is precisely what Instagram relies on. Yes, posts are still important here, but individuals, first and foremost, notice and appreciate the images. On Instagram, the winner is the person who knows a lot about aesthetics. The easiest way to master this social media platform and transform it into your own marketing weapon is to take the course "Instagram from scratch: from the registration to first sales".

YouTube documented in 2020 that it had 2 billion monthly active viewers


Correct! YouTube is really thriving.

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Wrong! YouTube is, indeed, extremely popular!

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YouTube is currently one of the most in-demand and popular video hosting sites. Even big brands like Nike or ASUS have their own YouTube channels! Just to let you know, the world's media are also doing the same thing. YouTube is a direct link to your target audience, whoever they may be. You can't neglect it!

Contextual advertising is only appropriate for remarketing


Alas, you are wrong. Contextual advertising has many more advantages!

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Spot on! Are you an expert in contextual advertising, right?

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Presently, contextual advertising is one of the most effective ways to attract traffic. You will discover more about this in the course "PPC advertising: how to use traffic and boost sales". You will find out how to place contextual ads on different platforms and use Google Ads, AdWords, and clusterization and how to assemble a semantic core.

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