Johns Hopkins University and Harvard University have filed a lawsuit against the US government.
Online learning can become much more efficient thanks to student data analysis and tracking educational progress.
In 2020, the education industry is challenged with many serious changes brought by the coronavirus situation. Advanced technologies helped a lot in adapting the educational process to changes.
This fall, millions of students in the USA started their classes in the distance learning format. Now students learn via various Internet platforms that make it possible to exchange information.
The venture capital fund Leta Capital, founded by a group of the best IT companies in the world, also acts as a partner of Rusbase, a publication about online technology and business.
In 2020, instead of compiling a traditional annual ranking of the best business schools, Bloomberg conducted a survey among students about MBA changes during the pandemic.
Eurostat has conducted a survey of EU citizens in the age group from 16 to 74 years. The survey showed that 8% of respondents took online courses in the last three months of 2019.
The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Kazakhstan has made a decision to stop streaming classes. According to Askhat Aimagambetov, all online lessons have been canceled.
The coronavirus was the main reason for the school closure in more than a hundred countries.
Teachers are ready to do a lot to share heir knowledge with their students. In India, like in many countries, schools switched to online learning.
The online education market is booming in India. Its popularity is facilitated by low cost Internet access, as well as cheap smartphones.
The company, in partnership with the Indian state of Maharashtra, plans to provide access for 23 million students and teachers to its digital classroom services.
According to a study by University College London, published in June, two million school children in Britain spend no more than two and a half hours a day learning online.
Due to the long pandemic and the large spread of the infection, the United States is asking foreign students to leave the country if their classes go fully online.
The Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan regularly reported on the introduction of technologies that allow you to organise online training. However, the pandemic has shown that this has proven to be virtually impossible to implement in practice.
The University of North Carolina has already cancelled face-to-face classes.
According to the latest BBC data, students of the prestigious Cambridge University will study remotely for the next year. The university administration announced that all classes will be moved online.
Google has presented new features thanks to which the process of distance learning can be considerably simplified. The company announced this in its official blog.
Researchers from the National Science Foundation and Baylor University (USA) have determined which music has the best effect on students when they are taking a test.
On September 16, 17, and 18, the Spanish student union plans to hold a general student strike. Students protest online education.
About 463 million children were unable to continue their education online while their schools were closed due to the pandemic.
According to Trends, during the pandemic, investor interest in EdTech startups has skyrocketed.